keep your per-path Go test coverage above a threshold
go get -u
$ go-coverage-threshold --help
Usage of go-coverage-threshold:
-t float
threshold that coverage must exceed (shorthand) (default 80)
-threshold float
threshold that coverage must exceed (default 80)
will internally execute go test -cover ./...
for you
If any of your ./...
paths (paths that contain .go files) have a test coverage percentage that is below the threshold,
then it exits with a non-zero exit code
This is useful for Continuous Integration workflows where you want to maintain and encourage test coverage
You may place a .cover.toml file at the root of your project, as an alternative to using command line arguments, e.g:
# important: specify "50.0" if you want 50% coverage,
# "50" without the ".0" will not work
threshold = 50.0
Note that command line arguments take precedence over configuration files
Note that .cover.toml files in sub-directories take precedence over parent directories, so you may have a threshold for the whole project as a rule, yet define exceptions for certain sub-directories, e.g:
- PROJECT_ROOT/.cover.toml: threshold = 80.0
- PROJECT_ROOT/cmd/.cover.toml: threshold = 10.0