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Python package for compositional data analysis including CLR/ILR, proportionality, partial correlation with basis shrinkage, and visualizations.


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Compositional data analysis in Python.

This package is meant to extend the methods of scikit-bio and serve as a pythonic alternative (not replacement) to some functionalities within propr.


Compatible for Python 3.


  • pandas
  • numpy
  • scipy


  • scikit-bio
  • gneiss
  • ete[2/3]
  • matplotlib
  • seaborn
  • scitkit-learn


# Stable release (Preferred)
pip install compositional

# Developmental release
pip install git+

Proportionality and partial correlation methods adapted from the following source:

Isometric log-ratio methods use the following sources:

Citations (Code):

  • Jin, S., Notredame, C. and Erb, I., 2022. Compositional Covariance Shrinkage and Regularised Partial Correlations. arXiv preprint arXiv:2212.00496.

  • Quinn T, Richardson MF, Lovell D, Crowley T (2017) propr: An R-package for Identifying Proportionally Abundant Features Using Compositional Data Analysis. Scientific Reports 7(16252): doi:10.1038/s41598-017-16520-0

  • Espinoza JL. compositional: Compositional data analysis in Python (2020).

Citations (Theory):

  • Jin, S., Notredame, C. and Erb, I., 2022. Compositional Covariance Shrinkage and Regularised Partial Correlations. arXiv preprint arXiv:2212.00496.

  • Erb, I., 2020. Partial correlations in compositional data analysis. Applied Computing and Geosciences, 6, p.100026.

  • Quinn TP, Erb I, Gloor G, Notredame C, Richardson MF, Crowley TM (2019) A field guide for the compositional analysis of any-omics data. GigaScience 8(9). doi:10.1093/gigascience/giz107

  • Quinn T, Erb I, Richardson MF, Crowley T (2018) Understanding sequencing data as compositions: an outlook and review. Bioinformatics 34(16): doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/bty175

  • Erb I, Quinn T, Lovell D, Notredame C (2017) Differential Proportionality - A Normalization-Free Approach To Differential Gene Expression. Proceedings of CoDaWork 2017, The 7th Compositional Data Analysis Workshop; available under bioRxiv 134536: doi:10.1101/134536

  • Erb I, Notredame C (2016) How should we measure proportionality on relative gene expression data? Theory in Biosciences 135(1): doi:10.1007/s12064-015-0220-8

  • Lovell D, Pawlowsky-Glahn V, Egozcue JJ, Marguerat S, Bahler J (2015) Proportionality: A Valid Alternative to Correlation for Relative Data. PLoS Computational Biology 11(3): doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1004075

  • Morton, J.T., Sanders, J., Quinn, R.A., McDonald, D., Gonzalez, A., Vázquez‐Baeza, Y., et al . (2017) Balance trees reveal microbial niche differentiation. mSystems: e00162‐16. doi: 10.1128/mSystems.00162-16

Citations (Debut):


Each function operates on either 2D pd.DataFrame or np.array objects and output either pandas or numpy objects, respectively.

Transformation functions (e.g., transform_clr) output the equivalent object with the same shape.

Pairwise functions either output a redundant form or non-redundant form. If a numpy object is input, then either a 2D redundant form or 1D non-redundant form np.array object will be output. If a pd.DataFrame is input then there are 2 types of output that can be returned. If redundant_form=True, then a square pd.DataFrame will be returned. If redundant_form=False, then a pd.Series will be returned and the index will contain frozenset objects that have the combinations.

For the operations in logspace, a pseudocount of 1 is added to avoid -inf values for log(0).

Loading package and obtaining data

For usage, we are going to load data from oral microbiome 16S amplicon data from Gomez and Espinoza et al. 2017.

import compositional as coda
import pandas as pd

# Load abundances (Gomez and Espinoza et al. 2017)
X = pd.read_csv("", 

# Load metadata
Y = pd.read_csv("", 

# print("X.shape: (n={} samples, m={} OTUs)")
# X.shape: (n=473 samples, m=481 OTUs)

# Classes
classes = pd.Series(((Y["Caries_enamel"] == "YES").astype(int) + (Y["Caries_dentine"] == "YES").astype(int)).map(lambda x: {True:"Caries", False:"Caries-free"}[x > 0]), name="Diagnosis")

class_colors = {"Caries-free":"black", "Caries":"red"}

(Highpass) Filtering of compositional data

Filtering functions to preprocess data. Example use case: (1) Remove all samples with less than 10,000 total counts; (2) then all features that aren't in at least 50% of the samples, and then (3) samples that don't have at least 50 detected components.

X_filtered = coda.filter_data_highpass(

X.shape, X_filtered.shape
# ((473, 481), (401, 93))

Summary metrics

Summary metrics for compositional data.

# Sparsity
s = coda.sparsity(X)
print("Ratio of zeros in dataset: {:.3f}".format(s))
# Ratio of zeros in dataset: 0.776

# Total number of components per composition (i.e., richness)
# S-1409-45.B_RD1     111
# 1104.2_RD1           84
# S-1409-42.B_RD1     142
# 1073.1_RD1          101
# A-1504-100.B_RD1     95

# Prevalence of components across compositions
# Otu000514    470
# Otu000001    473
# Otu000038    472
# Otu000003    473
# Otu000326    432

Pairwise operations

All pairwise operations support either a redundant form or non-redundant form using the redundant_form argument.

Pairwise sample operations:
# Pairwise Aitchison distance (redundant form)
aitchison_distances = coda.pairwise_aitchison_distance(X + 1, redundant_form=True)
# print(aitchison_distances.iloc[:4,:4])
#                  S-1409-45.B_RD1  1104.2_RD1  S-1409-42.B_RD1  1073.1_RD1
# S-1409-45.B_RD1         0.000000   25.384218        21.573635   23.455055
# 1104.2_RD1             25.384218    0.000000        27.811292   21.942080
# S-1409-42.B_RD1        21.573635   27.811292         0.000000   26.734435
# 1073.1_RD1             23.455055   21.942080        26.734435    0.000000

# Pairwise Aitchison distance (non-redundant form)
aitchison_distances = coda.pairwise_aitchison_distance(X + 1, redundant_form=False)
# print(aitchison_distances)
# aitchison_distance
# (S-1409-45.B_RD1, 1104.2_RD1)          25.384218
# (S-1409-45.B_RD1, S-1409-42.B_RD1)     21.573635
# (S-1409-45.B_RD1, 1073.1_RD1)          23.455055
# (S-1409-45.B_RD1, A-1504-100.B_RD1)    21.330042
# (S-1409-45.B_RD1, 2053.2_RD1)          22.531754
#                                          ...    
# (S-1410-40.B_RD1, M-1507-132.A_RD1)    23.247654
# (M-1507-132.A_RD1, C-1504-92.B_RD1)    20.422768
# (S-1410-40.B_RD1, 2005.1_RD1)          22.294198
# (2005.1_RD1, C-1504-92.B_RD1)          21.323598
# (S-1410-40.B_RD1, C-1504-92.B_RD1)     21.073093
# Length: 111628, dtype: float64
Pairwise component operations:
# Pairwise variance log-ratio
vlr = coda.pairwise_vlr(X + 1)
# print(vlr.iloc[:4,:4])
#            Otu000514  Otu000001  Otu000038  Otu000003
# Otu000514   0.000000   0.764679   1.844322   1.869921
# Otu000001   0.764679   0.000000   1.299599   1.230553
# Otu000038   1.844322   1.299599   0.000000   2.207001
# Otu000003   1.869921   1.230553   2.207001   0.000000

# Pairwise rho from Erb et al. 2016
rhos = coda.pairwise_rho(X + 1)
# print(rhos.iloc[:4,:4])
#            Otu000514  Otu000001  Otu000038  Otu000003
# Otu000514   1.000000   0.708325   0.304007   0.298552
# Otu000001   0.708325   1.000000   0.355895   0.394880
# Otu000038   0.304007   0.355895   1.000000  -0.070423
# Otu000003   0.298552   0.394880  -0.070423   1.000000

# Pairwise phi from Erb et al. 2016
phis = pairwise_phi(X + 1)
# print(phis.iloc[:4,:4])
#            Otu000514  Otu000001  Otu000038  Otu000003
# Otu000514   0.000000   0.470005   1.133602   1.149336
# Otu000001   0.470005   0.000000   1.306492   1.237079
# Otu000038   1.133602   1.306492   0.000000   2.157470
# Otu000003   1.149336   1.237079   2.157470   0.000000

Partial correlation with basis shrinkage (requires scikit-learn)
# Pairwise partial correlation with basis shrinkage from Erb et al. 2020 and Jin et al. 2022
pcorr = coda.pairwise_partial_correlation_with_basis_shrinkage(X + 1)
# print(pcorr.iloc[:4,:4])
#            Otu000514  Otu000001  Otu000038  Otu000003
# Otu000514   1.000000   0.256310  -0.022194  -0.005131
# Otu000001   0.256310   1.000000   0.105960   0.222187
# Otu000038  -0.022194   0.105960   1.000000  -0.042785
# Otu000003  -0.005131   0.222187  -0.042785   1.000000

Isometric log-ratio transform without tree (requires scikit-bio)

# Isometric log-ratio
X_ilr_without_tree = coda.transform_ilr(X + 1)
# print(X_ilr_without_tree.iloc[:4,:4])
#                         0         1         2         3
# S-1409-45.B_RD1 -2.663112 -0.139161 -1.098112  6.023297
# 1104.2_RD1      -2.094331  3.804032 -4.579665  2.357939
# S-1409-42.B_RD1 -1.909313 -0.023536 -0.018245  5.614873
# 1073.1_RD1      -1.879929  2.322184 -2.717553  2.426881

Isometric log-ratio transform with tree (requires scikit-bio, gneiss, and [Optional: ete3])

import requests
from io import StringIO
from skbio import TreeNode

# Get newick tree
url = ""
newick = requests.get(url).text
tree =, convert_underscores=False)

# Name internal nodes
intermediate_node_index = 1
for node in tree.traverse():
    if not node.is_tip(): = "y{}".format(intermediate_node_index)
        intermediate_node_index += 1

# Isometric log-ratio transform
X_ilr_with_tree = coda.transform_ilr(X + 1, tree)
# print(X_ilr_with_tree.iloc[:4,:4])
#                        y1        y2          y480            y3
# S-1409-45.B_RD1 -1.039407  1.655538 -2.464164e-17  6.189481e-16
# 1104.2_RD1      -0.673964  1.073470  4.192522e-18  3.923163e-16
# S-1409-42.B_RD1 -1.326432  2.112703  3.851113e-17  8.306736e-16
# 1073.1_RD1      -0.979605  1.560287  5.023995e-18  5.907717e-16

Plotting compositions (requires matplotlib and seaborn)

Let's color the samples by a continuous variable (e.g., age in months).

sample_labels = pd.Index(X.sum(axis=1).sort_values().index[:4].tolist())

fig, g, df = coda.plot_compositions(X, colors=Y.loc[X.index,"age (months)"],  sample_labels=sample_labels, title="Caries", figsize=(8,5))

Now color the samples by each class (e.g., phenotype).

fig, g, df = coda.plot_compositions(X, classes=classes, class_colors=class_colors, log_scale=True, title="Caries", style="ggplot", vertical_lines=[1, 1000,5000])

Plotting prevalence (requires matplotlib)

To identify a threshold to remove low prevalence components/features let's plot a prevalence curve where the x-axis shows the prevalence and y-axis shows the number of components are prevalent in x samples.

First, let's look at the prevalence globally. We want to see number of OTUs that are prevalent in at least 1 sample, 2 samples, half the samples, and all the samples.

There are 462 OTUs that in are in at least 1 sample, 392 OTUs that are in at least 2 samples (i.e., 462 - 392 = 70 singleton OTUs), and 11 OTUs that are in all the samples.

fig, ax, prevalence_distribution = coda.plot_prevalence(X, component_type="OTUs", show_prevalence=[1,2,0.5,1.0])

Now, let's look at the prevalence for each classes separately.

fig, ax, prevalence_distribution = coda.plot_prevalence(X, classes=classes,  class_colors=class_colors, component_type="OTUs", show_prevalence=[1,2,0.5,1.0])


  • Versions prior to v2020.12.16 used ddof=0 for all variance except during the vlr calculation. This was because pandas._libs.algos.nancorr uses ddof=1 and not ddof=0. This caused specific rho values not to be bound by [-1,1]. To retain the performance of nancorr, I've set all ddof=1 to match nancorr.
  • The partial correlation with basis shrinkage is implemented exactly the same as propr as the backend algorithm in the corpcor package uses an updated the Ledoit-Wolf shrinkage approach from Opgen-Rhein, R., and K. Strimmer. 2007 and Schafer, J., and K. Strimmer. 2005.



Python package for compositional data analysis including CLR/ILR, proportionality, partial correlation with basis shrinkage, and visualizations.








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