beanstalk is a protocol for interfacing with beanstalkd, a “simple, fast work queue.”
hen is a simple client for workers and producers
(with-hen (tcp-connect "localhost" 11300)
(while #t
(hen-ignore "default")
(hen-watch "my-tube")
(let ([job (hen-reserve)]) ; blocks, optional timeout parameter
(my-process-job job)
(hen-delete ((compose cdr assoc) 'id job)))))
(with-hen (tcp-connect "localhost" 11300)
(hen-use "my-tube")
(hen-put "hello worker!"))
The following are supported beanstalk commands:
(hen-put [PRI 2^31 [DELAY 0 [TTR 36000]]] data) (hen-reserve [TIMEOUT #f]) (hen-use TUBE) (hen-delete ID) (hen-release ID [PRI 2^31 [DELAY 0]]) (hen-bury ID [PRI 2^31]) (hen-touch ID) (hen-watch TUBE) (hen-ignore TUBE) (hen-peek ID) (hen-peek-ready) (hen-peek-delayed) (hen-peek-buried) (hen-kick bound) (hen-stats-job ID) (hen-stats-tube TUBE) (hen-stats) (hen-list-tubes) (hen-list-tube-used) (hen-list-tubes-watched) (hen-quit) (hen-pause-tube TUBE DELAY)
Most of the commands will return a simple string status. Exceptions are the stats commands, which return an alist, and the reserve command, which returns a pair (job-id . data) if a job is reserved.
All hen commands also accept keyword arguments #:tcp-in and #:tcp-out to override hen-in and hen-out, which are the default ports, initially unspecified.
- The structure of return values is subject to change.