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To try out this application in AWS (without setting it up on your own computer)

I have an instance of this application running at: (please feel free to play around with it and check it out!)


This is a (relatively simple) Java EE web application, built with the Spring platform (e.g. Spring Boot and Spring MVC).

I created this application to experiment with and learn a bunch of new technologies.

Tech Stack

Three-tier architecture:

  • User Interface: JSP (JSTL & Jasper), HTML, and CSS.
  • Middle Tier: Java 8. Spring Data JPA (and Hibernate).
  • Back End: SQL database.

Tools: AWS, Jenkins, Maven, Docker, & Tomcat.


Via AWS CodePipeline, the following is setup/integrated (see this AWS CI/CD blog for more info):

  • this GitHub repository is polled every minute (for each pushed commit, a build is automatically kicked off)...
  • ...Jenkins (a CI server - running in a stand-alone AWS EC2 instance) does a build (via Maven)
  • ...AWS Elastic Beanstalk (also has an EC2 instance - for each successful build, this application's updated zip gets deployed by CodePipeline to a Docker container in this instance)

Docker in AWS

For simplicity:

  • Instead of creating 2 containers (with an ECS cluster of 2 EC2 instances - 1 instance/container for this app and 1 for the database), I chose to: run the database in AWS RDS, and create a single container for this app.
  • I chose to not use ECS, because I did not need its greater overall flexibility (compared to the Docker functionality offered by Elastic Beanstalk).
  • I did not utilize a Docker image repository (e.g. Docker Hub or AWS ECR). (So the image is simply/solely created & stored on the EC2 instance for my Elastic Beanstalk application/environment.)

Current State

This is not a fully-fledged fantasy football application that is ready to compete with ESPN's Fantasy Football Smiley face


  • Choose Week - just a simple proof-of-concept for a Spring MVC drop-down menu. (The idea is to eventually add functionality to allow a given user to specify which players they want to play (vs have on their bench) on their fantasy team for a given week of the season.)
  • Show Fantasy Teams - simply shows the pre-populated teams from the database. (Currently there is no way to create/edit/delete fantasy teams/users - nor is there any login/authentication.)
  • NFL Players - by far the most interesting of the 3 pages. Allows you to create/edit/delete NFL players in the database.
    • The nflRanking of each player is based on their 2014 fantasy points - e.g. the player with a value of 1 for this field had the highest total points, 2 had the 2nd highest, etc. And whenever the user creates/edits/deletes a player, the application updates the value of this field across all players accordingly (to ensure it is sort-ordered - the best player has a value of 1, and subsequent values increase by 1 per player). Currently there is no display of ranking within a given position - the ranking is across all players.

Info about data:

Future State (To-do List)

Change the...:

  • ...user interface code from JSP to something else - perhaps AngularJS or Thymeleaf.
  • ...controller code to REST services (with JSON).

Add automated tests. (And make sure deployment in AWS doesn't happen when a test fails.)

Instead of a static copy of NFL player data (from, consider utilizing a public API (e.g. so this application always has the latest player data.

Reference Info

This FantasyFootball application is hosted in the following repository:

(More info about ILM can be found at:

NOTE: The rest of this README is info for any developer interested in setting up & experimenting with this application - e.g.

  • with your own AWS account,
  • or on your own machine (e.g. to make code changes).

Developer - cloud, without CI/CD (to run this application with your own AWS account):

(Note that this section doesn't involve CI/CD - this section describes how to manually get a static/uploaded copy of the application running in Elastic Beanstalk, without CodePipeline.)

Do a git clone of this repository:

  • git clone

Build the application:

  • cd FantasyFootball
  • mvn install # (in ./target/ creates ILMServices-FantasyFootball-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar and

And then in AWS... RDS: create a MySQL database, and then do the following to populate it with data:

  • cd FantasyFootball/src/main/resources/
  • mysql -h <endpoint> -P <port> -u <username> -p <schema.sql
  • mysql -h <endpoint> -P <port> -u <username> -p <data.sql Elastic Beanstalk: create an application/environment:

  • Specify the (single container) Docker platform (on Linux).
  • Upload the zip (that was built with mvn)
  • I modified the configuration Environment Properties:
    • RDS_* - point to my RDS database
    • SERVER_PORT - set to 8080
    • SPRING_DATASOURCE_URL & SPRING_DATASOURCE_USERNAME & SPRING_DATASOURCE_PASSWORD - override these properties from the in this repository

Developer - localhost: Info about this FantasyFootball eclipse project

Note that this project was created:

  • on a machine running Windows
  • with the JAVA_HOME environment variable set to: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_65

Developer - localhost: Pre-requisites (to setup & run this application on your own machine)

Before you run this web application, you need to complete these pre-requisites.

Have the following installed on your machine:

  • JDK version 8.
  • A SQL database server.
  • Eclipse, including the following plugins:

Setup in Eclipse:

  • Window, Preferences, Java, Installed JREs
    • Remove any existing JRE.
    • Add jdk1.8.* - specify the value of JAVA_HOME (e.g. C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_101). Check the box next to this jdk, click Apply.
  • Git stuff:
    • Window, Preferences, Team, Git, Configuration, create/specify the and Git settings in eclipse. (Reference info:
    • Git Perspective, "Clone a Git repository", enter as URI.
    • Git Repositories, right-click FantasyFootball, Import Projects, "Import existing Eclipse projects".
  • In, set the value of ff.database.location.
  • maven clean install
  • right-click this FantasyFootball project, Maven, Update Project.

For all remaining steps, you need to have the SQL database server started.

NOTE: to start the application (i.e. an uber jar - that includes Tomcat embedded): in eclipse, right-click this project, Run As, Spring Boot App.

The first time you are going to run the application:

  • In change spring.datasource.initialize from false to true (so the database gets initialized/populated).
  • Then start the application.
  • (And then once the application initializes, terminate it and undo the change you made to

Developer - localhost: To Run this application

Once you have completed the pre-requisites, then start the application. Then you can access the application via your browser at: http://localhost:8080/poc/fantasy/


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