Here's a brief overview of repositories that I contribute to and/or maintain that might be useful for others. Find more that isn't on GitHub at
- CS 4530 - "Fundamentals of Software Engineering" @ Northeastern (Undergrad)
- neu-se/CS4530-Fall-2022, see also site
- neu-se/CS4530-Spring-2022, see also site
- neu-se/CS4530-CS5500-Spring-2021, see also site
- CS 7580 - "Advanced Software Engineering" @ Northeastern (Grad)
- neu-se/CS4910-7580-Spring-2023, see also site
- neu-se/CS7580-Fall-2021, see also site
- SWE 432 - "Design and Implementation of Software for the Web" @ George Mason University (Undergrad)
- neu-se/, term project for CS4530, see also deployed app
- jon-bell/jekyll-canvas-lms, Jekyll plugin to auto-post assignments and lectures to Canvas
- neu-se/CONFETTI, Fuzzing + taint tracking + concolic execution for the JVM
- gmu-swe/phosphor, Dynamic tracking system for the JVM
- gmu-swe/knarr, Path constraint collection for the JVM
- gmu-swe/crochet, Fine-grained checkpoint/rollback for the JVM
- gmu-swe/rivulet, Tool for detecting injection vulnerabilities in JVM-based applications
- gmu-swe/pradet-replication, Test order dependency detector
- gmu-swe/deflaker, Flaky test detector
- Programming-Systems-Lab/vmvm, Test isolation framework for Java
- ripley-cloud/gha-slurm, GitHub App that launches GitHub Actions builders on-demand on a Slurm HPC cluster
- jon-bell/fuzzing-build-site-action, GitHub Action to build a report from several fuzzing campaigns
- jon-bell/bytecode-examples, A collection of several tutorials on bytecode instrumentation for the JVM
- jon-bell/maven-lifecycle-logger, A Maven extension that will record the execution time of each execution of each plugin of each project in a build
- clowdr-app/clowdr, Midspace virtual conference platform
- jon-bell/homebridge-plugin-anova-toast, Homebridge plugin that exposes a switch to turn on/off the 'Home' mode on Synology Surveillance Station
- jon-bell/homebridge-synology-surveillance-homemode, Homebridge plugin that implements the Anova Precision Oven API. What if making toast were as easy as pushing a single button, or, that failing, a siri command away?
- jon-bell/homebridge-platform-daikin-itc, Homebridge plugin that exposes a multi-zone Daikin ITC HVAC system
- apache/maven-surefire, Maven's test runner plugin. Contributed: option to rerun failing tests in JUnit5, an optimization that reduced time to execute tests in isolation by ~20x
- hcoles/pitest, Java mutation testing tool. Contributed a faster, more precise coverage implementation
- rohanpadhye/JQF, Java fuzzing tool. Contributed a faster, collision-free coverage implementation