fix(deps): update dependency @cdktf/provider-cloudflare to v12 #431
on: push
Terraform CDK Deploy
Terraform CDK CICD
1m 8s
4 errors and 6 warnings
Terraform CDK Deploy / Terraform CDK CICD
Cannot find module '@cdktf/provider-cloudflare/lib/tunnel-config' or its corresponding type declarations.
Terraform CDK Deploy / Terraform CDK CICD
Property 'record' does not exist on type 'typeof import("/home/runner/work/infrastructure/infrastructure/cdktf/node_modules/@cdktf/provider-cloudflare/lib/index")'.
Terraform CDK Deploy / Terraform CDK CICD
Property 'zones' does not exist on type 'DataCloudflareZones'.
Terraform CDK Deploy / Terraform CDK CICD
The process '/usr/local/bin/npx' failed with exit code 1
Terraform CDK Deploy / Terraform CDK CICD
npm warn deprecated inflight@1.0.6: This module is not supported, and leaks memory. Do not use it. Check out lru-cache if you want a good and tested way to coalesce async requests by a key value, which is much more comprehensive and powerful.
Terraform CDK Deploy / Terraform CDK CICD
npm warn deprecated lodash.isequal@4.5.0: This package is deprecated. Use require('node:util').isDeepStrictEqual instead.
Terraform CDK Deploy / Terraform CDK CICD
npm warn deprecated glob@7.2.3: Glob versions prior to v9 are no longer supported
Terraform CDK Deploy / Terraform CDK CICD
npm warn deprecated glob@7.2.3: Glob versions prior to v9 are no longer supported
Terraform CDK Deploy / Terraform CDK CICD
npm warn deprecated glob@7.2.3: Glob versions prior to v9 are no longer supported
Terraform CDK Deploy / Terraform CDK CICD
ERROR: cdktf encountered an error while synthesizing
Synth command: npx ts-node main.ts
Error: non-zero exit code 1
Command output on stderr:
return new TSError(diagnosticText, diagnosticCodes, diagnostics);
TSError: ⨯ Unable to compile TypeScript:
oci/main.ts(5,49): error TS2307: Cannot find module '@cdktf/provider-cloudflare/lib/tunnel-config' or its corresponding type declarations.
oci/main.ts(119,22): error TS2339: Property 'record' does not exist on type 'typeof import("/home/runner/work/infrastructure/infrastructure/cdktf/node_modules/@cdktf/provider-cloudflare/lib/index")'.
oci/main.ts(125,40): error TS2339: Property 'zones' does not exist on type 'DataCloudflareZones'.
at createTSError (/home/runner/work/infrastructure/infrastructure/cdktf/node_modules/ts-node/src/index.ts:859:12)
at reportTSError (/home/runner/work/infrastructure/infrastructure/cdktf/node_modules/ts-node/src/index.ts:863:19)
at getOutput (/home/runner/work/infrastructure/infrastructure/cdktf/node_modules/ts-node/src/index.ts:1077:36)
at Object.compile (/home/runner/work/infrastructure/infrastructure/cdktf/node_modules/ts-node/src/index.ts:1433:41)
at Module.m._compile (/home/runner/work/infrastructure/infrastructure/cdktf/node_modules/ts-node/src/index.ts:1617:30)
at Module._extensions..js (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1548:10)
at Object.require.extensions.<computed> [as .ts] (/home/runner/work/infrastructure/infrastructure/cdktf/node_modules/ts-node/src/index.ts:1621:12)
at Module.load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1288:32)
at Function.Module._load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1104:12)
at Module.require (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1311:19) {
diagnosticCodes: [ 2307, 2339, 2339 ]