When you clone the repository and before you start exploring the examples, be sure to execute the setup.py
file with
the python setup.py install
. This way you will set up all dependencies needed for the examples to run properly.
Then, setup your username and password in examples/__init__.py
Now you can run provided examples in examples
folder by running:
python example.py deserialize_dr_example # provided argument is <file_name_of_example>
First, initialize the messaging client using your username and password:
send_sms_client = send_single_textual_sms(Configuration("username", "password"))
Prepare the message:
request = SMSTextualRequest()
request.text = "This is an example message"
request.to = ["xxxxxxxx", "yyyyyyy"]
Send the message:
response = send_sms_client.execute(request)
Later you can query for the delivery status of the message:
get_delivery_reports_client = get_sent_sms_delivery_reports(Configuration("username", "password"))
response = get_delivery_reports_client.execute({"limit": 5})
Similar to standard messaging example, but when preparing your message, use SMSAdvancedTextualRequest
send_sms_client = send_multiple_textual_sms_advanced(Configuration("username", "password"))
dest = Destination()
dest.message_id = "message_111"
dest.to = "number1aaa"
message = SMSData()
message.text = "This is an example message."
message.notify_url = "https://test.com/url_for_delivery_reports"
message.destinations = [dest]
dest2 = Destination()
dest2.message_id = "message_222"
dest2.to = "number2bbb"
message2 = SMSData()
message2.text = "This is an example message #2."
message2.notify_url = "https://test.com/url_for_delivery_reports_2"
message2.destinations = [dest2]
request = SMSAdvancedTextualRequest()
request.messages = [message, message2]
response = send_sms_client.execute(request)
When the delivery notification is pushed to your server as a HTTP POST request, you can process the body of the message with the following code:
delivery_status = reports = SMSReportResponse.from_JSON(http_body)
This library is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0