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Project 10 OpenClassrooms Course

Project 10 - Openclassrooms Python Course :

Search for a product that you eat often and check out for healthier suggestions !

What is in this project ?

  • Use of Django Framework.
  • Use of OOP and Python 3.7.
  • Use of OpenFoodFact API services.
  • Use of Bootstrap 4.
  • Database (for production): SQLite3.
  • Determinate a strategy for testing the application (in prod)
  • Project is tested, coverage will reach upto 80% (goal - in prod)
  • Test includes : Unit tests, integration tests (in prod)
  • Use of pipenv (virtual env.)
  • Respect and follow recommendations from PEP8 (style guide), PEP257(docformatter)

The project

This project is set for production use. The application is deployed on Digital Ocean.

Structure of the code

Getting started

If you want to run this project, clone this project, and start you favorite editor (example: VisualCode).

First of all, you need to install pipenv.

  • pipenv install (it installs all the requirements), once loaded, don't forget to activate a shell with pipenv shell in your terminal to activate the environment. The advantage of pipenv is that it is cross-platform. It is recommended by the official documentation for python's virtual environment.

Secondly, the current local database might be empty, to feed it you may do these next steps :

  • 1st step : python makemigrations or for a specific app ``python makemigrations <app_name>`(for example app_name is "products" for this project Purbeurre)
  • 2nd step : python migrate
  • 3rd step : python initdb- loads product in your database

Thirdly, run the command in your terminal to check if the application works locally first : Place yourself at the root of the project and run :

  • python runserver
  • You may connect yourself at this adress on your web browser : http://localhost:8000/ or click on the link that is presented on your terminal screen.
  • You can stop the server by doing ctrl+c in the server.

If you need to delete all the entries if the database (when you are in development mode), you may :

  • 1st step : python deletedb
  • 2nd step : delete the file at the path : Becareful not to delete the "", nor the folder migrations !
  • 3rd step : You may add more categories, or, change the models and its fields, at this moment.

RUN Test

  • Simply run this command in your terminal in the project : python test --verbosity 2
  • if you want to use coverage, the command is : coverage run --source="." test


I would like to thank my mentor, Thierry Chappuis, for all the help and advices he gave to me to accomplish this project.


Projet10 Openclassroom






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