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Setting up front-end asset compilation for a jQuery/Bootstrap setup to work with server-rendered html, e.g. ASP.NET.

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1. Initial npm setup

jquery, bootstrap and popper.js were added as dependencies.

2. Create module file

I created a set of js files within src/ using es6 module and arrow function syntax. services/calculatorService.mjs is a service module that exports a doCalcuation() method. This method uses two of the four functions in modules/maths.mjs. The pages/index-page.js is a non-exporting file that is to be used directly on an html page. It uses jQuery selectors to read user-added values and call the doCalculation() method from the calculatorService module.

In the html page index.html, the following script tag was added:

<script src="src/pages/index-page.js" type="module">

As browsers do not understand the node_module layout, the following import must be used in pages/index-page.js

import '../../node_modules/jquery/dist/jquery';

This allows the page to run in up-to-date modern browsers.

3. Add Rollup

rollup and @rollup/plugin-node-resolve were installed as devDependencies.

A rollup.config.js file was created with the following setup:

import resolve from '@rollup/plugin-node-resolve';

export default {
    input: 'src/pages/index-page.js',
    output: {
        file: 'scripts/index-page.js',
        format: 'iife'
    plugins: [

Rather than having a dependency on a specific jQuery file, the import in pages/index-page.js was updated to the npm package, which the plugin-node-resolve plugin for rollup resolves:

import 'jquery'

This allows the command npx rollup -c to create a new file scripts/index-page.js with the bundled code in IIFE format. The index.html was updated to use this file.

<script src="scripts/index-page.js"></script>

Note that Tree-Shaking has automatically taken place and so the functions multiply() and divide() do not appear in the output file.

4. Add Babel

@babel/core, @babel/preset-env and @rollup/plugin-babel were installed as devDependencies.

A .babelrc configuration file was created in the src/ directory with the following:

    "presets": [
        ["@babel/env",{ "modules": false }]

This prevents babel from converting the es6 modules to IIFE or CommonJS modules, leaving this for Rollup.

The rollup.config.js file is updated to use the babel rollup plugin:

import babel from '@rollup/plugin-babel';

export default {
    plugins: [
          exclude: 'node_modules/**',
          include: 'src/**',
          babelHelpers: 'bundled'

This will only transpile files in the src/ folder, and explicitly ignores the node_module/ imports.

A .browserslistrc file is created with the required browser targets. Use the npx browserslist command to show all browsers targeted by the rules added to this file.

5. Switching to Gulpfile

gulp was installed as a devDependency.

A gulpfile.js was created to run the Rollup/Babel commands. The Rollup API currently cannot read the rollup.config.js file and so the configuration is copied into the gulpfile method calling Rollup, rollupBabel(). Note that the output object is used in the bundle.write() method, not the rollup.rollup() method. Also note that Babel must be imported as a method, whereas Rollup and the resolve plugin can be imported as a module:

const rollup = require('rollup');
const resolve = require('@rollup/plugin-node-resolve');
const { babel } = require('@rollup/plugin-babel');

6. Adding uglification with Terser

rollup-plugin-terser was installed as a devDependency.

The terser plugin was imported into the gulpfile.js and added as a plugin to the rollup.rollup() configuration:

function rollupBabel(){
        plugins: [

7. Adding Bootstrap

The Bootstrap 4 JavaScript is added via an import of 'bootstrap' on the index-page.js file. The complete Bootstrap 4 css is initially added via a link tag pointing to the node_modules/ bootstrap distribution file.

<link href="/node_modules/bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet" />

8. Adding SCSS compilation

gulp-sass, postcss, autoprefixer and cssnano were installed as devDependencies.

A new folder is created called scss/ with a site.scss file. A _site.scss theme file is created in a scss/themes/ folder. The site.scss file imports the theme file and then the bootstrap file using

@import "bootstrap/scss/bootstrap";
@import "./themes/site";

A new gulp task was created to process the .scss files, using autoprefixer and cssnano as plugins for postcss. The gulp-sass method is called with the includePaths parameter used to ensure that the node_modules folder is scanned when looking for import files:

          includePaths: ['node_modules']
    }).on('error', sass.logError))

The task outputs the files to the styles/ folder and the link tab in index.html updated to

<link href="styles/site.css" rel="stylesheet" />

9. Using only required Bootstrap styling

Note the original SCSS layout was based on the 7-1 Architecture method, but doesn't work very well with Bootstrap (especially when removing unused map items).

The vendor/_bootstrap_.scss file was renamed vendor/_site-bootstrap.scss. The generic bootstrap import was replaced with the required bootstrap imports:

@import "bootstrap/scss/functions";
@import "bootstrap/scss/variables";
@import "bootstrap/scss/mixins";

The customisations within the themes/ folder were then added to this file followed by the bootstrap components wanted.

10. Combine build processes

del was installed as a devDependency.

A new clean gulp task was created to delete the compiled JavaScript and CSS files. The default task was updated to run this clean task in series before the JavaScript and css tasks which run in parallel.

In package.json, the build script is updated to run the default gulp task.

"scripts": {
    "build": "gulp"

11. Dev build process with watchers

The jsBuild() and cssBuild() gulp tasks were renamed js() and css(), and given a parameter isDev. Plugins could then be conditionally added Using the ES6 spread operator allowing dev versions of the two tasks to return non-minified, non-transpiled code.

Tasks to build the production versions were created and exported in a gulp series as the default task.

A develop task was created that launches two watch processes, one for changes to .js files, one for changes to *.scss files. Both use the ignoreInitial: false option to build the code on first run.

A new script in package.json is created to run the develop task.

12. Add purgecss

@fullhuman/postcss-purgecss was installed as a devDependency.

The purgecss plugin was added to the postcss call in the css gulp task and configured to look at html files in the root folder.

13. Add auditing

A new script that runs the npm audit command using the production flag to ignore devDependencies was created.

14. Adding polyfills

core-js and @rollup/plugin-commonjs were added as devDependencies.

A second method was created in calculatorService.mjs that includes a call to the string.prototype.includes() method. This requires a polyfill to work in IE11.

the @babel/preset-env preset is added to the babel configuration with the useBuiltIns parameter set to "usage". This imports required polyfills dependent on the target browsers and the functions actually used.

The commonjs plugin for rollup is required to convert the core-js polyfills imported by Babel from their CommonJS format into ES6 modules for rollup to process.


Setting up front-end asset compilation for a jQuery/Bootstrap setup to work with server-rendered html, e.g. ASP.NET.






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