A node module for sending and receiving messages with Mattermost via webhooks.
Mattermost is a messaging platform that is easy to integrate with. This module should be useful for creating various integrations with Mattermost, such as chat bots!
node-mattermost is available via npm:
npm install node-mattermost
Get your hook_url from the Mattermost Incoming Webhooks Integration page.
var Mattermost = require('node-mattermost');
var mattermost = new Mattermost(hook_url,options);
If your system requires that requests be made through an HTTP or HTTPS proxy, you can either set an environment variables https_proxy and http_proxy, or pass in the optional third option:
var mattermost = new Mattermost(hook_url,{proxy: http_proxy});
To send a message, call mattermost.send:
text: 'Howdy!',
channel: '#foo',
username: 'Bot'
You can also specify an emoji icon, a url to a custom icon, attachments, and any of the other options listed here.
text: 'Howdy!',
channel: '#foo',
username: 'Bot',
icon_url: 'http://www.foo.com/image.png',
icon_emoji: 'taco',
attachments: attachment_array,
unfurl_links: true,
link_names: 1
To respond to an outgoing webhook from mattermost, pass the information from the webhook into mattermost.respond, along with a callback function responsible for returning a response.
From inside an Express.js route, this is as easy as passing in req.body:
var express = require('express');
var app = express();
var bodyParser = require('body-parser');
var Mattermost = require('node-mattermost');
var mattermost = new Mattermost();
app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: true }));
app.post('/', function(req, res) {
var reply = mattermost.respond(req.body, function(hook) {
return {
text: 'Good point, ' + hook.user_name,
username: 'Bot'
Based on node-slack