Uses Gurobi to find multiple solutions for Integer Linear Programs (ILPs)
Runs Gurobi on the ILP iteratively, before each run introducing a constraint to not find the same solution set.
How it works:
For every variable C(i) that set to 1, do
sum(C(i)) <= (Objective Value) - 1
This ensures that we don't select all of them again, but we can select a subset of them.
Usage: python --numSols=[num solutions to find] --resultfile=[results.sol] [ilp-filename.lp]
This only works with ILPs that only use binary variables, because of the way it makes the new constraints.
Runs Gurobi on the ILP, but uses the native Gurobi API to search for the n
best solutions.
Usage: python --numSols=[num solutions to find] --resultfile=[results.sol] [ilp-filename.lp]
Both files require the Gurobi Python API
To test if you've correctly set it up, run python
and type import gurobipy
into the interactive terminal. If you see ImportError: No module named gurobipy
, something isn't set up right.