Get a notification on Telegram when intruder is in a room, using Tensorflow/OpenCV/Raspberry Pi3/Telegram
As soon as a person is identified in the neural-net, you'll get a notice on the Telegram app on your phone!
- Tensorflow & OpenCV (Credits to for making a great tutorial of how to properly set up Tensorflow on RPi!
- Telepot, pythonframework for Telegram bot API
You also need to setup a account on Telegram and create a bot, afterwards just insert your CHAT_ID in the script and you can easily send notifications to your Telegramapp if you have notifications activated :-)
The code uses ssdlite_mobilenet_v2_coco_2018_05_09, it extracts 'person' from the detections, and by using your bot_token and personal chat_id you can easily get a notification if a certain object is detected.