PureMVC Port to TypeScript port by Frederic Saunier
PureMVC – Copyright© 2006-2012 Futurescale, Inc., Some rights reserved.
Release Date: 10/28/2012
Platform: TypeScript / JavaScript
Version: 1
Revision: 0
Author: Frederic Saunier <frederic.saunier@puremvc.org>
License: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License
This port, inspired originally from PureMVC for AS3 standard port by Cliff Hall. The minification is brought to this
port using YUICompressor and Ant.
First official PureMVC TypeScript port.
As this port depends on the TypeScript language you may want to start by reading "TypeScript «getting started» at ":http://www.typescriptlang.org/.
To build the project you’ll need Ant to run the /build/build.xml file located in the build
YUICompressor compress files generated by TypeScript compiler. The YUICompressor munge option is activated.