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Ray Tracing Toolbox


The current version of the WyFy tool exists as both a MATLAB and a FORTRAN2008 implementation. The MATLAB implementation is only capable of line-of-sight (LOS) propagation, but is able to account for any number of intervening wall attenuations.

The new tool supports propatation through an arbitrary number of reflections.

It is also capable of dynamic performance visualization, in which the users can drag access point locations on screen and immediately see the effects on system performance ...

The new tool also provides an interactive mode for 2D scenes. The speed of the new code might make the interactive mode feasible on 3D configurations of limited size: While this possibility has not been investigated, the static visualization capabilities (discussed below) are far easier to work with than those of the Fortran implementation, especially because the user develop a visualisation incrementally from the MATLAB command prompt.

This implementation is however slow (especially when large numbers of walls are considered) ... and for this reason the FORTRAN2008 version was developed. This version can handle up to second-order reflections, is significantly faster than the MATLAB implementation, but lacks dynamic visualization capability.

While the API is implemented in MATLAB, computer-intensive bottleneck routines are implemented in C++ Mex functions, which are comparable with Fortran in speed. While MATLAB does support a Mex gateway for Fortran, only Intel's Fortran compiler is currently supported; these compilers are not freely available on the Windows platform. In contrast, high quality Mex-compliant C++ compilers are freely available on all popular platforms.

The new tool exploits the MATLAB Parallel Computing Toolbox -- a high-level message passing interface -- to exploit the independence between distinct ray sequences, and thereby extract maximum benefit from the Radio Systems Group's new server.

Objective 1: Ability to model 3D geometries

The new framework supports both 2D and 3D geometries, adopting the face-vertex layout already employed by MATLAB for representation of polygonal meshes in 2D and 3D.

Objective 2: Realistic (complex) wall models

The new framework supports arbitrarily complex wall models.

The system dictates no particular local coordinate systems.

  • Known symmetries in gain patterns may be completely exploited by the user i.e. there is no abstraction penalty.
  • The user is free to define patterns any any convenient system of coordinates.

Objective 3: Dynamic visualization capabilities

Users are able to exploit MATLAB's built-in routines to visualize arbitrarily complex scenes and fields. To this end, the new library offers the following specialised routines:

  • Visualization of scene geometry and material assignments in 2D or 3D.
  • Visualization of antenna patterns in 2D or 3D.
  • Visualization of SINR thresholds in 2D or 3D via "oriented" isosurfaces.
  • Visualization of reflected rays and transmission points.
  • Labelling of arbitrary entities in 2D and 3D.

The system provides several new visualisation functions specific to its domain.

Objective 4: Open Application Programming Interface (API)

At this point, we employ only scenes composed of rectangular facets (embedded in 3D, but not necessarily aligned with global coordinate axes); this reflects our current needs, but is not a restriction: more specialised axis-aligned quadrilaterals or general polygons would not be difficult to incorporate in future releases.

We aim to make WyFy available to anyone in our activity sphere

The source repository, complete with an installation script, datasets, and scripts illustrating usage, is accessible via GitHub.

Notes for Part 4 Project

  1. Purchase a hardcover project logbook in which to document your thoughts. Get into the habit of (briefly!) documenting each nugget of thought relating to the project in this book to help you recall progress/pitfalls and thereby help your advisors help you.

  2. Select a document preparation system for your final report: Probably Microsoft Word or LaTeX. You'll need a copy of this application on your own computer. If you choose LaTeX and are new to it, the excellent Wikibooks LaTeX book provides a nice introduction and a comprehensive reference. Set up a project template that you can add to each week and, hence, gradually build a mental picture of your work.

  3. Set up a bibliographic database for your project work:

    Update your bibliography each time your consult a new reference.

  4. Consider purchasing a Student license for MATLAB so that you can work on your own computer. If you have MATLAB on your own PC, also install a copy of Git.

  5. Select a Git tutorial (e.g. Learn Git) and work through it to master the following essential commands: clone, status, diff, commit, pull, push

  6. Clone the Geometric Optics Toolbox.

  7. Work through the tutorials in sequence and contact Jon, Michael, & Yuen if you have any queries.

Meeting, 24 January

  • Extensive refactoring to improve modularity:

    • Code base is simpler, hence easier to understand and navigate
    • Flexible handling of local coordinate systems (penalty-free abstraction)
    • Use of packages consistent with MATLAB's own directory structure
    • Reduced amount of "boiler-plate" code required to configure a study
    • Any functionality not transferred is accessible in the old git repository
  • Example scripts (in progress) to demonstrate key functionality e.g.

Script in examples.* Illustrates
sceneDemo Complex scene creation
antennaDataDemo, antennaFormulaDemo Antenna pattern creation and visualization
interactiveSmallDemo, interactiveMediumDemo Interactive mode
shieldedRoomDemo Complete 2.5-D example (IEEE TAP)
newmarket2DDemo, newmarket2xDDemo Replication of yzg001.f
  • Unit tests (in progress) e.g.
>> unittest.runsuite(?rayoptics.UnitTests)
Running rayoptics.UnitTests
Done rayoptics.UnitTests
  • Let's please discuss objectives for the coming 10 days e.g.

    • Contributions to FRDF report
    • Additional resources for Part IV project student
    • Access to CST Server after January 31st
    • Github account for Michael
    • Time with Yuen and Michael
    • Further development (e.g. Linux/Mac support)
    • Would it be interesting to look at the MathWorks' Antenna Toolbox?
  • Proposed development work:

    • Simple example of optimization with bfo
    • Refinement of function to partition grid points between arbitrary rooms over multiple storeys
    • Further work on unit test suites
    • Further work on example scripts
    • Profiling example for Embree-backed computation of transmission points

Thank you!

Geometric Optics Toolbox


Getting started


The toolbox has been developed on Windows: If you are interested in another platform, please do make contact.

  1. Clone the source repository.
>> !git clone
>> cd toolbox-v2
  1. Compile the relevant Mex-files for your platform.
>> compile
  1. Optionally, save the root folder to your MATLAB path.
>> addpath(pwd, '-save')
  1. Optionally, run the unit tests.
>> runUnitTests

To test individual modules, use unittest.runsuite function e.g.

>> unittest.runsuite(?rayoptics.UnitTests)

Tutorials & examples

To see the index of supporting scripts:

>> help +tutorial
>> help +examples


Module Description
+contracts Support for assert
+embree Calculation of transmission points
+facevertex Representation of polygon complexes
+mex Required for C++ back-end
+parallel Parallel reduction with parreduce
+structs Efficient manipulation of tabular data
+sx Utilities relating to array singleton-expansion

Scene representation

See documentation on Face-Vertex Companion.

Antenna patterns

Within the ray-tracing system, propagation gains are evaluated on directions specified in global Cartesian coordinates. Any subsequent transformations are left to the client, who is able to exploit symmetries in the gain pattern and thereby eliminate the overhead that would be imposed by the system if directions were provided in a particular local coordinate frame.

Reflection points

[pairindices, pathPoints] = reflections(obj, sourcePoints, sinkPoints, faceIndices)

Transmission points

hits = transmissions(origins, directions, faceIndices)
Argument Description
origins Coordinates of source locations, one row per source
directions Coordinates of sink locations, one row per sink
faceIndices Indices of scene facets on the ray path of interest

Recommended practice


From the Radio Systems Group, Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, at the University of Auckland:

  • Yuen Zhuang Goh
  • Michael Neve
  • Jon Pearce

Related software

Antenna Toolbox
CST MWS Asymptotic Solver

Feature requests

  • Support for diffration.
  • Support for surface waves.
  • Complete interoperability with the MathWorks' Antenna Toolbox.

Infrastructural TODO list

  • Split git repository into modules.
  • Complete set of unit tests.
  • Profiling routines for critical functions.

Appendix A: Geometric primitives

Coordinates systems

For further details, see Antenna Coordinate System of the Antenna Toolbox's documentation.

Tag Name Coordinates Notes
cart Cartesian/Rectangular x, y, z
pol Polar az, r, z
sph Spherical (elevation form) az/theta, el/phi, r el/phi is angle from x-y plane
sphi Spherical (inclination form) az/phi, inc/theta, r inc/theta is angle from z axis
uv Normalized spherical u, v Note currently supported

Storage formats

2-D grid functions

Form Name Description
f(X,Y) full grid X and Y are matrices of identical size
f({x,y}) grid vectors x and y are vectors
f(xy) unstructured xy is a matrix with two columns

3-D grid functions

Form Name Description
f(X,Y,Z) full grid X, Y, Z are 3-D arrays of identical size
f({x,y,z}) grid vectors x, y, z are vectors
f(xyz) unstructured xyz is a matrix with three columns

Appendix B: File formats

Appendix C: Unit tests

Appendix D: Directory structure

Functions are stored in whose names are chosen in accordance with those of MATLAB's standard library e.g.

>> ls +specfun

.               affine.m        cart2sph.m      cart2usphi.m    dot.m           perp.m          todb.m          wrapcircle.m    
..              cart2circ.m     cart2sphi.m     circ2cart.m     elinc.m         sphi.m          usph2cart.m     wrapinterval.m  
UnitTests.m     cart2pol.m      cart2uqsphi.m   cross.m         fromdb.m        sphi2cart.m     usphi2cart.m    wrapquadrant.m  

>> which cart2sph
>> which cross
>> which dot

In cases where function names match those of the standard library, the interface extends that of the standard library e.g. supports singleton expansion whereas dot does not.

Each package directory contains:

Name Description
UnitTests.m Class definition encapsulating a suite of unit tests
+tutorials Sequence of tutorial scripts demonstrating core functions

Appendix E: Building Embree

See mex settings in embree/embreebuild.m.

Essential libraries:

  • embree.lib
  • embree_sse42.lib
  • embree_avx.lib
  • embree_avx2.lib
  • lexers.lib
  • scenegraph.lib
  • simd.lib
  • sys.lib
  • tasking.lib

NB: scenegraph.lib is apparently unnecessary

Building with Visual Studio

  • Use VS2015 x64 Native Command Prompt rather than Developer Command Prompt for VS2015

In cmake-gui:

  • Ensure that EMBREE_BACKFACE_CULLING is unchecked (i.e. not set)
  • ... but clear EMBREE_TBB_ROOT (otherwise cmake may select EMBREE_TBB_LIBRARY and EMBREE_TBB_LIBRARY_MALLOC for VC12 rather than VC14)
  • ... and set EMBREE_TBB_LIBRARY to e.g. "C:\path\to\tbb2018_20170726oss\lib\intel64\vc14\tbb.lib" (i.e. appropriate for your version of Visual Studio - here vc14 rather than vc12)
  • Similarly, set EMBREE_TBB_LIBRARY_MALLOC to e.g. "C:\path\to\tbb2018_20170726oss\lib\intel64\vc14\tbbmalloc.lib"

Face-Vertex Companion


Face-vertex representation

Scenes are represented in the face-vertex format supported by patch.

Components Description
Vertices Matrix with one row per vertex, entries are Cartesian coordinates
Faces Matrix with one row per polygon, entries indexing Vertices

Most toolbox functions allow Faces and Vertices to be provided as separate arrays or as members of a struct.

Facet properties

A vector with an entry for each row of Faces may be used to join faces with a table of arbitrary material properties. See the tutorials for an example.


Scenes incorporating multiple material properties may be conveniently visualized with multipatch.

>> help facevertex.multipatch
>> edit facevertex.examples.multipatch

Replication and affine transformations

>> help facevertex.clone
>> edit facevertex.examples.clone

Affine transformations (translation, rotation, scaling, or combinations thereof) are applied to the scene by appying them to the columns of the Vertices array.

Combining groups

>> help
>> help facevertex.compress

Parallel Computing Companion

>> web(publish('examples.parreducedemo'))


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