A shameless .NET Core CLI tool port of .NET Core SDK CLI Helpers
This global tool helps you manage the set of installed .NET Core SDK versions and get new ones as needed.
# Install global tool
dotnet tool install -g dotnetsdkhelpers
# Get started!
dotnet-sdk -h
Manage .NET Core SDKs
Usage: dotnet-sdk [command] [options]
-?|-h|--help Show help information.
download Downloads the provided release version & platform.
list Lists .NET Core SDKs
set Creates a global.json to switch to the specified .NET Core SDK version
Run 'dotnet-sdk [command] -?|-h|--help' for more information about a command.
Downloads the provided release version & platform.
Usage: dotnet-sdk download [options] <Version>
Version 'active', 'go-live', 'preview' or a specific version. (Default: 'active')
Default value is: active.
-r|--runtime Indicate the version specified is the runtime version, NOT the SDK version.
-p|--platform <PLATFORM> The platform to download for. Defaults to the current platform on Windows and MacOS.
-n|--no-hash-validation Indicate that validation of hash should NOT be done.
-?|-h|--help Show help information.
Lists .NET Core SDKs
Usage: dotnet-sdk list [options] <Filter>
Filter Filters list to only SDKs starting with the provided string.
-a|--available List SDKs available to download; default is to list installed SDKs.
-r|--release-type Show available versions matching the specified release types.
Allowed values are: sts, lts.
-s|--support-phase Show available versions matching the specified support phases.
Allowed values are: preview, go-live, active, maintenance, eol.
--all Show all available versions including all support phases and release types.
-?|-h|--help Show help information.
Switches to the specified .NET Core SDK version
Usage: dotnet-sdk set [options] <Version>
Version 'stable', 'preview' or a specific version
-?|-h|--help Show help information