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The Application Package Build Status

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Initialising Applications

AbstractApplication implements an initialise method that is called at the end of the constructor. This method is intended to be overridden in derived classes as needed by the developer.

If you are overriding the __construct method in your application class, remember to call the parent constructor last.

use Joomla\Application\AbstractApplication;
use Joomla\Input\Input;
use Joomla\Registry\Registry;

class MyApplication extends AbstractApplication
	 * Customer constructor for my application class.
	 * @param   Input     $input
	 * @param   Registry  $config
	 * @since   1.0
	public function __construct(Input $input = null, Registry $config = null, Foo $foo)
		// Do some extra assignment.
		$this->foo = $foo;

		// Call the parent constructor last of all.
		parent::__construct($input, $config);

	 * Method to run the application routines.
	 * @return  void
	 * @since   1.0
	protected function doExecute()
			// Do stuff.
		catch(\Exception $e)
			// Set status header of exception code and response body of exception message
			$this->setHeader('status', $e->getCode() ?: 500);

	 * Custom initialisation for my application.
	 * @return  void
	 * @since   1.0
	protected function initialise()
		// Do stuff.
		// Note that configuration has been loaded.

Logging within Applications

AbstractApplication implements the Psr\Log\LoggerAwareInterface so is ready for intergrating with an logging package that supports that standard.

The following example shows how you could set up logging in your application using initialise method from AbstractApplication.

use Joomla\Application\AbstractApplication;
use Monolog\Logger;
use Monolog\Handler\NullHandler;
use Monolog\Handler\StreamHandler;

class MyApplication extends AbstractApplication
	 * Custom initialisation for my application.
	 * Note that configuration has been loaded.
	 * @return  void
	 * @since   1.0
	protected function initialise()
		// Get the file logging path from configuration.
		$logPath = $this->get('logger.path');
		$log = new Logger('MyApp');

		if ($logPath)
			// If the log path is set, configure a file logger.
			$log->pushHandler(new StreamHandler($logPath, Logger::WARNING);
			// If the log path is not set, just use a null logger.
			$log->pushHandler(new NullHandler, Logger::WARNING);


The logger variable is private so you must use the getLogger method to access it. If a logger has not been initialised, the getLogger method will throw an exception.

To check if the logger has been set, use the hasLogger method. This will return true if the logger has been set.

Consider the following example:

use Joomla\Application\AbstractApplication;

class MyApplication extends AbstractApplication
	protected function doExecute()
		// In this case, we always want the logger set.
		$this->getLogger()->logInfo('Performed this {task}', array('task' => $task));

		// Or, in this case logging is optional, so we check if the logger is set first.
		if ($this->get('debug') && $this->hasLogger())
			$this->getLogger()->logDebug('Performed {task}', array('task' => $task));

Mocking the Application Package

For more complicated mocking where you need to similate real behaviour, you can use the Application\Tests\Mocker class to create robust mock objects.

There are three mocking methods available:

  1. createMockBase will create a mock for AbstractApplication.
  2. createMockCli will create a mock for AbstractCliApplication.
  3. createMockWeb will create a mock for AbstractWebApplication.
use Joomla\Application\Tests\Mocker as AppMocker;

class MyTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
	private $instance;

	protected function setUp()

		// Create the mock input object.
		$appMocker = new AppMocker($this);
		$mockApp = $appMocker->createMockWeb();

		// Create the test instance injecting the mock dependency.
		$this->instance = new MyClass($mockApp);

The createMockWeb method will return a mock with the following methods mocked to roughly simulate real behaviour albeit with reduced functionality:

  • appendBody($content)
  • get($name [, $default])
  • getBody([$asArray])
  • getHeaders()
  • prependBody($content)
  • set($name, $value)
  • setBody($content)
  • setHeader($name, $value [, $replace])

You can provide customised implementations these methods by creating the following methods in your test class respectively:

  • mockWebAppendBody
  • mockWebGet
  • mockWebGetBody
  • mockWebGetHeaders
  • mockWebSet
  • mockWebSetBody
  • mockWebSetHeader

Web Application

Configuration options

The AbstractWebApplication sets following application configuration:

  • Execution datetime and timestamp

    • execution.datetime - Execution datetime
    • execution.timestamp - Execution timestamp
  • URIs

    • uri.request - The request URI
    • uri.base.full - full URI
    • - URI host
    • uri.base.path - URI path
    • uri.route - Extended (non-base) part of the request URI
    • - full media URI
    • - relative media URI

and uses following ones during object construction:

  • gzip to compress the output
  • site_uri to see if an explicit base URI has been set (helpful when chaining request uri using mod_rewrite)
  • media_uri to get an explicitly set media URI (relative values are appended to uri.base ). If it's not set explicitly, it defaults to a media/ path of uri.base.

The setHeader method

Accepted parameters

  • $name - The name of the header to set.
  • $value - The value of the header to set.
  • $replace - True to replace any headers with the same name.

Example: Using WebApplication::setHeader to set a status header.

$app->setHeader('status', '401 Auhtorization required', true);

Will result in response containing header

Status Code: 401 Authorization required

Command Line Applications

The Joomla Framework provides an application class for making command line applications.

An example command line application skeleton:

use Joomla\Application\AbstractCliApplication;

// Bootstrap the autoloader (adjust path as appropriate to your situation).
require_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';

class MyCli extends AbstractCliApplication
	protected function doExecute()
		// Output string
		$this->out('It works');

		// Get user input
		$this->out('What is your name? ', false);

		$userInput = $this->in();
		$this->out('Hello ' . $userInput);

$app = new MyCli;

Colors for CLI Applications

It is possible to use colors on an ANSI enabled terminal.

use Joomla\Application\AbstractCliApplication;

class MyCli extends AbstractCliApplication
	protected function doExecute()
		// Green text

		// Yellow text

		// Black text on a cyan background

		// White text on a red background

You can also create your own styles.

use Joomla\Application\AbstractCliApplication;
use Joomla\Application\Cli\Colorstyle;

class MyCli extends AbstractCliApplication
	 * Override to initialise the colour styles.
	 * @return  void
	 * @since   1.0
	protected function initialise()
		$style = new Colorstyle('yellow', 'red', array('bold', 'blink'));
		$this->getOutput()->addStyle('fire', $style);

	protected function doExecute()

Available foreground and background colors are: black, red, green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan and white.

And available options are: bold, underscore, blink and reverse.

You can also set these colors and options inside the tagname:

use Joomla\Application\AbstractCliApplication;

class MyCli extends AbstractCliApplication
	protected function doExecute()
		// Green text

		// Black text on a cyan background

		// Bold text on a yellow background

Installation via Composer

Add "joomla/application": "~3.0" to the require block in your composer.json and then run composer install.

	"require": {
		"joomla/application": "~3.0"

Alternatively, you can simply run the following from the command line:

composer require joomla/application "~3.0"

If you want to include the test sources, use

composer require --prefer-source joomla/application "~3.0"