NOTE: You won't be able to run this locally. It is intended to be ran on a publicly available web server/cloud only.
NOTE: This app and the associated code is NOT production quality, its pure purpose is to demonstrate the full flow of custom interactions in Journey Builder
- Node.js (to test locally)
- Must have an ExactTarget Marketing Cloud account
- Journey Builder and all associated applications must be provisioned into this account
- A publicly accessible web server or cloud (I'll be using Heroku with a single dyno and you can too, just sign up for a free account) You'll need the Heroku toolbelt if you're using that PaaS for this app.
- Web Server or Cloud MUST support SSL (which is why we recommend just works for single dyno apps)
- A valid Code@ account and associated App Center Developer Account (available from within Code@)
- Understanding of client-server communications, JavaScript, HTML(5), Node.js and Express
clone this repository locally git clone
Login to your Code@ account
Select App Center from the Code@ navigation. Register as a developer if you haven't already.
Select "Create New App"
Select "Marketing Cloud" as the template type and use the following properties:
- App Type: HubExchange App
- App Category: Offline
- Name: Hello World
- Description: This is a hello world app
- Package: <THIS MUST BE UNIQUE ACROSS ALL OF EXACTTARGET> (I recommend something like johndoeJBCustomHelloWorldApp) where you replace johndoe with your first and last name
- Would you like to use an existing App ID: No
- IMH Icon: Not required
- Application Endpoints: The base is your publicly accessible web server's endpoint for this app, this can be updated later, MUST BE OVER SSL
- Login URL: https://endpoint.tld/login
- Logout URL: https://endpoint.tld/logout
- Redirect URL: https://endpoint.tld/
- Application Event Callbacks: Not required
Integrate your app with an account which will not be impacted by having an additional icon in the app switcher of the marketing cloud
Data Access: No (SSO Only)
Make sure everything is correct, and finish.
If everything is successful, you should see a message saying so. Stay on this screen and let's copy the information into our app's code we'll need...
Open /app.js
Copy the values from the App Center Hello World Summary Screen into this section of code in app.js
var APIKeys = {
appId : '__insert_your_app_id__',
clientId : '__insert_your_app_client_id__',
clientSecret : '__insert_your_app_client_secret__',
appSignature : '__insert_your_app_signature__',
authUrl : ''
At this point we're going to need the endpoint for our app and subsequently each app extension
If you're using Heroku, create a new app and copy the endpoint.
In App Center on Code@, with your newly created app open, scroll to the bottom of the page
Click "Create a new Interaction Studio Trigger" (we'll be renaming this soon)
- Name: Hello World
- Key: jb-hello-world-trigger-yourname (Replace yourname with your first and last name, if I am John Smith: johnsmith. This ensures your key is unique)
- Description: Hello World Trigger
- Endpoint URL: https://<webserver-endpoint>/ixn/triggers/hello-world (no trailing slash)
- Help URL: https://<webserver-endpoint>/ixn/triggers/hello-world/help (no trailing slash)
- Help Description: Hello World Trigger Help
- Category: Trigger
- Public Extension: This application and all other installed applications
- Upload Icon: Choose the icon in: /public/ixn/triggers/hello-world/images/
Open /public/ixn/triggers/hello-world/config.json
Copy the "Key" property from your App Extension Custom Trigger and paste it into config.json.key value
Open /app.js
In the fireEvent handler, insert the name of your Trigger's key in place of the value for: triggerIdFromAppExtensionInAppCenter
NOTE: Step 5 IS NOT required, except in cases where the Custom Trigger DE has been associated to the Contact Model and the "Advanced" development flow of implementing Contact Filter Criteria is needed There is a filter definition XML which requires setup and custom values in this custom trigger JS file. What you see inside there now needs updating, please read MyEvent.js Filter XML property section on Code@ for more information about this piece of your custom trigger.
In App Center on Code@, with your newly created app open, scroll to the bottom of the page
Click "Create a new Interaction Studio Activity" (we'll be renaming this soon)
- Name: Hello World Activity
- Key: jb-hello-world-activity-yourname (Replace yourname with your first and last name, if I am John Smith: johnsmith. This ensures your key is unique)
- Description: Hello World Activity
- Endpoint URL: https://<webserver-endpoint>/ixn/activities/hello-world (no trailing slash)
- Help URL: https://<webserver-endpoint>/ixn/activities/hello-world/help (no trailing slash)
- Help Description: Hello World Trigger Help
- Category: Message
- Public Extension: This application and all other installed applications
- Upload Icon: Choose the icon in: /public/ixn/activities/hello-world/images/
Open /public/ixn/activities/hello-world/config.js
Copy the "Key" property from your App Extension Custom Activity and paste it into config.js.key value
Replace the "insert_your_custom_activity_endpoint" with your web server's endpoint throughout the file.
Now that you have updated your configurations to point to the appropriate ExactTarget resources, push your changes.
Log into the Marketing Cloud
From the App Switcher, choose "Hello World"
We should see the Hello World HubExchange app interface
Log into the Marketing Cloud
Choose Marketing Automation -> Journey Builder
While viewing the Journey Builder Dashboard, we should be able to select "Trigger Administration" and see our new trigger in the list
Create a new Interaction
Click to "Edit Trigger"
Select "Hello World" or whatever you named it from the list (look at for the "new" banner)
On the "Configure" step, enter a value you want to test for equality
Save it (you'll get a warning, this is a known bug being fixed).
Click to edit the Trigger again
Click the "Configure" tab, and wait for the value to load
Click next and save
The Trigger is configured
Drag the "Hello World" activity from the list onto the Interaction Canvas
Hover and click the "Configure" button
The Hello World Activity dialog should appear (this is loading from your app)
Click save
The Activity is configured.
Select "Hello World" from the App Switcher on the Marketing Cloud
Enter an email that exists in your subscriber list
Enter the exact value as you entered in Creating our Custom Trigger in Journey Builder, step 4
Click "Fire the Event"
Events will come through the wire and post to the "Event List"
Click the "Get Latest Results" button and you should see the latest responses which have reached the "Activity"
Please see the "LICENSE" file in the root of this repository for information related to licensing of this repository.