PGSpider Extension(pgspider_ext) is an extension to construct High-Performance SQL Cluster Engine for distributed big data.
pgspider_ext enables PostgreSQL to access a number of data sources using Foreign Data Wrapper(FDW) and retrieves the distributed data source vertically.
Code of pgspider_ext is one of extension of PostgreSQL. We call PostgreSQL installed pgspider_ext as "PGSpider".
Usage of PostgreSQL installed pgspider_ext is the same as PostgreSQL. You can use any client applications such as libpq and psql.
- Node partitioned table
User can get records in multi tables on some data sources by one SQL easily. If there are tables with similar schema in each data source, PGSpider can view them as a single virtual table.
PGSpider run under Declarative Partitioning feature. Even if tables on data sources does not have a partition key, PGSpider creates a partition key automatically based on child node.
For example, tables on data sources have 2 column(i and t). Data on node1:SELECT * FROM t1_node1; i | t ----+--- 10 | a 11 | b (2 rows)
Data on node2:SELECT * FROM t1_node2; i | t ----+--- 20 | c 21 | d (2 rows)
If you create a partition table t1 using pgspider_ext from t1_node1 and t1_node2, the partitioned table has 3 columns (i, t and node). x is a column of partition key. You can distinguish data sources by column 'node'.
Query on PGSpider:i | t | node ----+---+------- 10 | a | node1 11 | b | node1 20 | c | node2 21 | d | node2 (4 rows)
Parallel processing
When PGSpider executes query, PGSpider expands partitioned table to child tables and fetches results from child nodes in parallel. -
WHERE clause and aggregation functions can be pushed down to child nodes. The shippability depends on child FDW.
The current version can work with PostgreSQL 13.5.
Download PostgreSQL source code.
Decompress PostgreSQL source code.
tar xvf postgresql-13.5.tar.gz
Download pgspider_ext source code into "contrib/pgspider_ext" directory.
git clone XXX
Build and install PostgreSQL and pgspider_ext.
cd postgresql-13.5 ./configure make sudo make install cd contrib/pgspider_ext make sudo make install
For example, there are 3 nodes (1 parent node and 2 child nodes). PGSpider runs on the parent node. And 2 child nodes are data sources. Each child node has PostgreSQL. They are accessed by PGSpider.
Please install PostgreSQL on child nodes and install PostgreSQL FDW into PGSpider.
Install PostgreSQL FDW
cd ../postgres_fdw make sudo make install
You can start PGSpider as same as PostgreSQL.
Create database cluster and start server.
cd /usr/local/pgsql/bin ./initdb -D ~/pgspider_db ./pg_ctl -D ~/pgspider_db start
Connect to PGSpider.
./psql postgres
PGSpider(Parent node)
CREATE EXTENSION pgspider_ext;
PostgreSQL FDW
CREATE EXTENSION postgres_fdw;
Create PGSpider server.
Create servers of child PostgreSQL nodes
CREATE SERVER pgsrv1 FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER postgres_fdw OPTIONS(host '', port '5433', dbname 'postgres'); CREATE SERVER pgsrv2 FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER postgres_fdw OPTIONS(host '', port '5434', dbname 'postgres');
Create user mapping for PGSpider server. No need to specify options.
User mapping for PostgreSQL servers.
CREATE USER MAPPING FOR CURRENT_USER SERVER pgsrv1 OPTIONS(user 'user', password 'pass'); CREATE USER MAPPING FOR CURRENT_USER SERVER pgsrv2 OPTIONS(user 'user', password 'pass');
Create foreign tables of child nodes according to data source FDW usage. In this example, each PostgreSQL server has table 't1' which has 2 columns ('i' and 't'). You can also create them by using IMPORT FOREIGN SCHEMA if data source FDW supports it.
CREATE FOREIGN TABLE t1_pg1_child (i int, t text) SERVER pgsrv1 OPTIONS (table_name 't1'); CREATE FOREIGN TABLE t1_pg2_child (i int, t text) SERVER pgsrv2 OPTIONS (table_name 't1');
Create a partition parent table and partition child tables.
Partition child tables are corresponding to each foreign table created at the previous step.
You need to declare a partition key column at the last in addition to columns of data source table.
A partition parent table:
In this example, we define 'node' column as a partition key column.
CREATE TABLE t1(i int, t integer, node text) PARTITION BY LIST (node);
Partition child tables:
CREATE FOREIGN TABLE t1_pg1 PARTITION OF t1 FOR VALUES IN ('node1') SERVER spdsrv; CREATE FOREIGN TABLE t1_pg2 PARTITION OF t1 FOR VALUES IN ('node2') SERVER spdsrv OPTIONS (child_name 't1_child2');
't1_a' is corresponding to the foreign table 't1_pg1'. PGSpider searches the corresponding foreign table by name having "[table name]_child" by default. You can specify the name by the 'child_name' option.
SELECT * FROM t1; i | t | node ----+---+------- 10 | a | node1 11 | b | node1 20 | c | node2 21 | d | node2 (4 rows)
If you want to pushdown aggregate functions, you needs to execute:
SET enable_partitionwise_aggregate TO on;
We have confirmed that PGSpider can connect to:
- PostgreSQL (postgres_fdw)
- MySQL (mysql_fdw)
- DynamoDB (dynamodb_fdw)
- GridDB (griddb_fdw)
- JDBC (jdbc_fdw)
- ODBC (odbc_fdw)
- Parquet S3 (parquet_s3_fdw)
- SQLite (sqlite_fdw)
- MongoDB (mongo_fdw)
- InfluxDB (influxdb_fdw)
Currently, PostgreSQL has a bug which will cause duplicate data when parallel query is executed. It happens when leader node and worker nodes scan the same data. We can avoid this bug by disabling leader node from collecting data by executing:
SET parallel_leader_participation TO off;
PGSpider Extension has several test scripts to execute test for each data source.
No | Test script file name | Corresponding test files | Remark |
1 | | ported_dynamodb_fdw.sql | Test for dynamodb_fdw |
2 | | ported_griddb_fdw.sql | Test for griddb_fdw |
3 | | ported_jdbc_fdw_griddb.sql ported_jdbc_fdw_mysql.sql ported_jdbc_fdw_postgres.sql |
Test for jdbc_fdw |
4 | | ported_mongodb_fdw.sql | Test for mongo_fdw |
5 | | ported_mysql_fdw.sql | Test for mysql_fdw |
6 | | ported_odbc_fdw_mysql.sql ported_odbc_fdw_postgres.sql |
Test for odbc_fdw |
7 | | ported_parquet_s3_fdw_local.sql ported_parquet_s3_fdw_server.sql |
Test for parquet_s3_fdw |
8 | | ported_pgspider_core_fdw_multi.sql | Test for pgspider_ext with postgres_fdw in multi-layers |
9 | | ported_pgspider_core_fdw_import_s3.sql ported_pgspider_core_fdw_parquet_s3_fdw.sql ported_pgspider_core_fdw_parquet_s3_fdw2.sql |
Test for pgspider_ext with parquet_s3_fdw, ported from pgspider_core_fdw |
10 | | ported_pgspider_core_fdw_postgres_fdw.sql | Test for pgspider_ext with postgres_fdw, ported from pgspider_core_fdw |
11 | | ported_pgspider_core_fdw.sql | Test for pgspider_ext with postgres_fdw in single layer |
12 | | pgspider_ext.sql pgspider_ext2 pgspider_ext3 |
Test for postgres_fdw |
13 | | ported_sqlite_fdw.sql | Test for sqlite_fdw |
14 | | ported_sqlumdashcs_fdw.sql | Test for sqlumdashcs_fdw |
15 | | ported_tinybrace_fdw.sql | Test for tinybrace_fdw |
16 | | ported_influxdb_fdw.sql | Test for influxdb_fdw |
User can execute test script to execute test for corresponding data source.
For some test script, user need to update the paths inside test script or specify the environment variable before execution.
- Export LD_LIBRARY_PATH to the installed folder of AWS C++ SDK (which contains some libaws library).
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/lib64
- Update DYNAMODB_ENDPOINT in sql/init_data/dynamodb_fdw/ if necessary.
- Make sure the data in sql/parameters/dynamodb_parameters.conf matches with data of data source.
- Download and build GridDB's C Client, rename the folder to griddb and put it into pgspider_ext/sql/init_data/griddb_fdw directory.
- Export LD_LIBRARY_PATH to the bin folder of GridDB's C Client.
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/home/jenkins/postgres/postgresql-13.5/contrib/pgspider_ext/sql/init_data/griddb_fdw/griddb/bin
- Export GRIDDB_HOME to the folder of GridDB server.
export GRIDDB_HOME=/home/jenkins/src/griddb-4.6.1
- Make sure the data in sql/parameters/griddb_parameters.conf matches with data of data source.
- Update paths in sql/init_data/jdbc_fdw/ and sql/init_data/jdbc_fdw/
export PGS_SRC_DIR="/home/jenkins/postgres/postgresql-13.5/" export PGS_BIN_DIR="/home/jenkins/postgres/postgresql-13.5/PGS" export FDW_DIR="/home/jenkins/postgres/postgresql-13.5/contrib/pgspider_ext"
- Update DB_DRIVERPATH, DB_DATA in sql/parameters/jdbc_griddb_parameters.conf, sql/parameters/jdbc_mysql_parameters.conf and sql/parameters/jdbc_postgres_parameters.conf.
\set DB_DRIVERPATH '\'/home/jenkins/src/jdbc/gridstore-jdbc-4.6.0.jar\'' \set DB_DATA '\'/home/jenkins/postgres/postgresql-13.5/contrib/pgspider_ext/sql/init_data/jdbc_fdw/data'
- Make sure the data in sql/parameters/jdbc_griddb_parameters.conf, sql/parameters/jdbc_mysql_parameters.conf and sql/parameters/jdbc_postgres_parameters.conf matches with data of data source.
- Make sure the data in sql/parameters/mongodb_parameters.conf matches with data of data source.
- Make sure the data in sql/parameters/mysql_parameters.conf matches with data of data source.
- Open and executes the command in comment block manually.
# --connect to mysql with root user # mysql -u root -p # --run below # CREATE DATABASE mysql_fdw_post; # SET GLOBAL validate_password.policy = LOW; # SET GLOBAL validate_password.length = 1; # SET GLOBAL validate_password.mixed_case_count = 0; # SET GLOBAL validate_password.number_count = 0; # SET GLOBAL validate_password.special_char_count = 0; # CREATE USER 'edb'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'edb'; # GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON mysql_fdw_post.* TO 'edb'@'localhost'; # GRANT SUPER ON *.* TO 'edb'@localhost; # Set time zone to default time zone of make check PST. # SET GLOBAL time_zone = '-8:00'; # SET GLOBAL log_bin_trust_function_creators = 1; # SET GLOBAL local_infile=1;
- Update paths in
export PGS_SRC_DIR="/home/jenkins/release_FDW/postgresql-13.5" export PGS_BIN_DIR="/home/jenkins/release_FDW/postgresql-13.5/PGS" export ODBC_FDW_DIR="/home/jenkins/release_FDW/postgresql-13.5/contrib/odbc_fdw"
- Make sure the data in sql/parameters/odbc_mysql_parameters.conf, sql/parameters/odbc_postgres_parameters.conf matches with data of data source.
- Make sure the data in sql/parameters/parquet_s3_local_parameters.conf, sql/parameters/parquet_s3_server_parameters.conf matches with data of data source.
- Update paths in sql/init_data/pgspider_core_fdw/ file.
PGS1_DIR=/home/jenkins/postgres/postgresql-13.5/PGS PGS2_DIR=/home/jenkins/postgres/postgresql-13.5/PGS TINYBRACE_HOME=/usr/local/tinybrace POSTGRES_HOME=/home/jenkins/postgres/postgresql-13.5/PGS GRIDDB_CLIENT=/home/jenkins/src/griddb
- Export LD_LIBRARY_PATH to the bin folder of GridDB's C Client and tinybrace library.
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/home/jenkins/postgres/postgresql-13.5/contrib/pgspider_ext/sql/init_data/griddb_fdw/griddb/bin:/usr/local/tinybrace/lib
- Export GRIDDB_HOME to the folder of GridDB server.
export GRIDDB_HOME=/home/jenkins/src/griddb-4.6.1
- If do not use docker, comment out the following codes in
# comment out these following code if do not use docker container_name='minio_server' if [ ! "$(docker ps -q -f name=^/${container_name}$)" ]; then if [ "$(docker ps -aq -f status=exited -f status=created -f name=^/${container_name}$)" ]; then # cleanup docker rm ${container_name} fi # run minio container sudo docker run -d --name ${container_name} -it -p 9000:9000 -e "MINIO_ACCESS_KEY=minioadmin" -e "MINIO_SECRET_KEY=minioadmin" -v /tmp/data_s3:/data minio/minio server /data fi
- Update path in sql/init_data/pgspider_core_fdw/
- Update paths in sql/init_data/pgspider_core_fdw/
TINYBRACE_HOME=/usr/local/tinybrace POSTGRES_HOME=/home/jenkins/postgres/postgresql-13.5/PGS
- Export LD_LIBRARY_PATH to tinybrace library.
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/tinybrace/lib
- Make sure the data in sql/parameters/sqlumdashcs_parameters.conf matches with data of data source.
- Make sure the data in sql/parameters/tinybrace_parameters.conf matches with data of data source.
- Make sure the data in sql/parameters/influxdb_parameters.conf matches with data of data source.
Opening issues and pull requests on GitHub are welcome.
Copyright and license information can be found in the
file License