This is a template / reference implementation for a full stack web server that uses a select set of the latest (as of 2023) leading Clojure/Script libraries & practices.
Key Developer Experience Goals:
- Support REPL Driven Development with
support - Support Test Driven Development with a live test runner (Kaocha)
- Support Hot Code Reloading & first-class npm library support with ShadowCLJS
- Include top-notch tooling and instrumentation support
- Portal : REPL-connected data inspector (see also Reveal)
- Snitch : Inline-def args & bindings for REPL use
- Flowstorm : Tracing debugger
- Function Schemas : Dynamic & static schema checking
- Include the libraries that all Clojure-based web application projects use or
wish they used (while a few have acceptable alternatives, all are
well-established options). See the
. - Some technology decisions are TBD by the specific project:
- Auth (Implement own or integrate w/ service?)
- Database (Good 'Ol Postrgres or something shinier like Datomic?)
- UI framework or styling library (MUI? Bootstrap? Bulma? Tailwind? Other?)
- Architecture/organization of the domain code
- Hosting service (Heroku? Digital Ocean? AWS? Other?)
Key Components Include:
- Clojure CLI (deps.edn)-based server project with:
- : REPL code reloading
- Mount : Stateful component management
- Ring : Interface for HTTP web server
- Jetty : Web Server
- Reitit : Routing
- Malli : Schemas
- Kaocha : Testing
- ShadowCLJS-based client project with:
- Reagent : ReactJS wrapper
- Re-frame : State management
Using my own, select tools (Kakoune, fd, and rg):
# Clone the project:
git clone
# Delete .git so you can re-init as a different, fresh project:
rm -rf .git
# Rename all occurrences of "webstack", then "Webstack" to your app's name:
fd -t f | xargs kak -f "%swebstack<ret>cmyapp"
fd -t f | xargs kak -f "%sWebstack<ret>cMyapp"
# Identify all "webstack" directories
fd -t d webstack
# Rename these manually:
mv src/clj/webstack src/clj/myapp
mv src/cljs/webstack src/cljs/myapp
mv test/clj/webstack test/clj/myapp
mv test/cljs/webstack test/cljs/myapp
# Search for stray files & file contents that were missed:
fd webstack
rg -i webstack
# Re-init a fresh Git repo for your new project
git init
git add .
git commit -m "project init from clojure-webstack"
- Install Clojure w/ CLI tools:
- Practicalli config (optional):
- Install Java:
- Install Node w/ npm:
- Global ShadowCLJS installation (optional):
npm install -g shadow-cljs
- This will let you run the
command directly later. - Without this, you must run commands with
like,npx shadow-cljs help
- This will let you run the
- Global ShadowCLJS installation (optional):
Assuming you installed the Practicalli config, you can identify available dependency updates by running:
clojure -T:search/outdated
After you first clone the project, and possibly after a pull, install the client npm deps:
npm install
To start a test runner that automatically re-runs tests after each change:
clojure -X:watch-test
OR to start the test runner from the REPL:
clojure -M:repl/reloaded
user=> (test-watch)
To start a REPL for development run:
clojure -M:repl/reloaded
user=> (go)
After making a change, run:
user=> (reset)
Build commands are defined by build.clj
The version is set in build.clj
as <major>.<minor>.<git-revs>
, where the
and <minor>
segments must be set manually, but the <git-revs>
segment is automatically computed. You will likely want to extend this.
Clean only:
clj -T:build clean
Clean and build uberjar:
clj -T:build uber
After building you can run it with:
# Remember to update the version in this command as needed!
java -jar target/webstack-0.0.10-standalone.jar
To start the test watcher run:
shadow-cljs watch test
The test results will be shown in the browser at: http://localhost:8021
To start building the client in watch mode run:
shadow-cljs watch app
To start a ClojureScript REPL connected to the development build run:
shadow-cljs cljs-repl app
To clean existing build artifacts run:
clj -T:build clean-client
To create an optimized production build of the client run:
shadow-cljs release app
This outputs a file with a hash-versioned name to prevents caching issues.
- Attempting to use re-frame-debux tracing macros causes re-frame-10x to explode after mousing over it.
shadow-cljs watch test
# Open [test page](http://localhost:8021/) in your browser
shadow-cljs watch app
shadow-cljs cljs-repl app
clojure -X:watch-test
clojure -M:repl/reloaded
user=> (go)
user=> (reset)
# Open [client](http://localhost:3000/) in your browser