This syllabus was created as a rough idea of items to follow along with to learn the basics of C#. I will mostly be following the below link and creating 4/5 mini projects per section to learn the topics better myself.
- Introduction to C# and .NET
- Setting up your development environment (Visual Studio, Visual Studio Code)
- Writing and running your first C# program
- Variables and data types (int, double, string, bool, etc.)
- Input and output (Console.WriteLine, Console.ReadLine)
- Comments and documentation (//, /* */, ///
- Conditional statements (if, else, else if)
- Switch statements
- Loops (for, while, do-while)
- foreach loop
- Break and continue statements
- Declaring and calling methods
- Parameters and return values
- Method overloading
- Scope and lifetime of variables
- Pass by value vs. pass by reference
- Arrays (single-dimensional, multi-dimensional)
- Lists and collections (List, Dictionary<TKey, TValue>)
- Using LINQ for querying collections
- Classes and objects
- Constructors
- Properties and fields
- Inheritance and base classes
- Polymorphism and interfaces
- Handling exceptions with try-catch
- Creating custom exceptions
- Exception propagation
- Reading and writing text files
- Reading and writing binary files
- JSON and XML data serialization
- Delegates and events
- Generics
- Asynchronous programming with async/await
- Attributes and reflection
- Introduction to ADO.NET
- Connecting to databases
- Executing SQL queries
- Entity Framework basics (if you want to explore ORM)
- Combining what you've learned to build a small C# application
- Working on more complex projects and exploring libraries and frameworks (WPF, ASP.NET Core, Xamarin, etc.) based on your interests.
- Writing unit tests with NUnit or xUnit
- Debugging techniques and tools
- Packaging and deploying your application
- Publishing to different platforms (desktop, web, mobile)