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RAGE1: Retro Adventure Game Engine, release 1

RAGE1 is an adventure game engine for the ZX Spectrum based on the great SP1 sprite library by Alvin Albrecht.

Its initial purpose is the generation of adventure games with zenital pespective, but it will evolve to support other types of games, e.g. platforms, etc.

Inspiration for this engine comes from Mojon Twins' MK1 La Churrera. In fact beeper.asm is shamelessly copied from their code. Credit goes to them :-)

The public GIT repository for this engine is

Bug reports, comments, enhancements and pull requests are very welcome.

See doc directory for engine usage and development documentation. Apologies for not being complete; if in doubt, navigate the source :-)

See TODO for some short term enhancements which are in the works, and feel free to suggest more by opening GitHub issues!

See USAGE-OVERVIEW for detailed info about how a RAGE1 game can be developed, understanding the inputs and outputs of the engine, etc.

You can also chat about the engine, your ideas, proposals and possibly games built around it in the GitHub RAGE1 Discussions forum

Linux Quick Start

  • Download and install requirements
  • Make sure your Z88DK distribution lives in directory z88dk at the same directory level as the RAGE1 repo, compiled with SDCC support. E.g.
    ├── rage1
    └── z88dk
  • Move to the RAGE1 directory and execute the following to compile and run the demo game with FUSE (Unix Spectrum Emulator):
    make build
    make run
  • The demo game and engine has also been tested with ZesarUX, but I find FUSE better suited for quick testing

Windows Quick Start

  • Download and install requirements
  • Add Fuse installation directory to path in user environment variables
  • Open Cygwin terminal, move to the RAGE1 directory and execute the following to compile and run the demo game with FUSE (Unix Spectrum Emulator):
    make build
    make run
  • NOTE: In Windows it is not necessary to source