Releases: josStorer/chatGPT-search-engine-extension
Releases · josStorer/chatGPT-search-engine-extension
This repo has moved to ChatGPTBox.
- add save all conversation button (josc146)
- improve display effect and add copy, collapse button for question and error (#26) (josc146)
- add chatgpt-web response to conversationRecords (josc146)
- crop text util (josc146)
- limitedFetch for git patch (josc146)
- video summary for bilibili (josc146)
- git patch summary for github commit and compare (josc146)
- git patch summary for gitlab commit (josc146)
- summary for quora question (josc146)
- summary for reddit post (josc146)
- video summary for youtube (josc146)
- summary and opinion for zhihu question (josc146)
- update staticCard adapter configs (josc146)
- update staticCard description and allow users to trigger in questionMark mode (josc146)
- summary for zhihu zhuanlan (josc146)
- move session to component level (josc146)
- floating selection toolbar for
,sentiment analysis
,divide paragraphs
(josc146) - keep toolbar in viewport (josc146)
- dragbar for floating window (josc146)
- float/split staticCard (josc146)
- right-click menu (josc146)
- multi-language support; mobile check; change the default triggerMode to manually (josc146)
- custom api url (josc146)
- make selectionTools configurable (josc146)
- make siteAdapters configurable (josc146)
- balance check (josc146)
Bug Fixes
- lint error (josc146)
- always clean up session when mounting to avoid accumulation of useless data (josc146)
- check mount points before mounting staticCard (josc146)
- fix the issue where the floating window disappears when releasing the mouse outside the window (josc146)
- useState for session (josc146)
- avoid jitter for floating window (josc146)
- lint (josc146)
- youtube input (josc146)
- update chat box style (josc146)
- add some vertical blank space of chat area (josc146)
- shadow (josc146)
- scroll for markdown-body(conversation body) (josc146)
- make the popup window larger (josc146)
- update popup window style (josc146)
- update popup window style (josc146)
Code Refactoring
- improve code scalability (josc146)
- adjust directory structure (josc146)
- move to site-adapters (josc146)
- initSession (josc146)
- updateRefHeight util (josc146)
Performance Improvements
- improve
performance (josc146)
Continuous Integration
- change the automatically verified configuration to be managed by the verify-search-engine-configs.mjs file itself (josc146)
- update logo (josc146)
- add maxResponseTokenLength config (josc146)
- remove all containers before mounting (josc146)
- rename utils (josc146)
- extra guide to create an api key (josc146)
- createElementAtPosition util (josc146)
- update utils (josc146)
- update utils (josc146)
- fix floating window (josc146)
- rename components (josc146)
- update utils (josc146)
- fix return value size of