Translations: Español
PHP library for handling HTML links and scripts.
Operating System: Linux | Windows.
PHP versions: 8.1 | 8.2.
The preferred way to install this extension is through Composer.
To install PHP Asset library, simply:
composer require josantonius/asset
The previous command will only install the necessary files, if you prefer to download the entire source code you can use:
composer require josantonius/asset --prefer-source
You can also clone the complete repository with Git:
git clone
Print the added scripts for the body:
public function outputBodyScripts(): string;
Print the added scripts for the head:
public function outputHeadScripts(): string;
Print the added links:
public function outputLinks(): string;
Add body script:
* @see
public static function addBodyScript(
null|bool $async = null,
null|string $crossorigin = null,
null|bool $defer = null,
null|string $fetchpriority = null,
null|string $integrity = null,
null|bool $nomodule = null,
null|string $nonce = null,
null|string $referrerpolicy = null,
null|string $src = null,
null|string $type = null
): BodyScript;
Add head script:
* @see
public static function addHeadScript(
null|bool $async = null,
null|string $crossorigin = null,
null|bool $defer = null,
null|string $fetchpriority = null,
null|string $integrity = null,
null|bool $nomodule = null,
null|string $nonce = null,
null|string $referrerpolicy = null,
null|string $src = null,
null|string $type = null
): HeadScript;
Add link:
* @see
public static function addLink(
null|string $as = null,
null|string $crossorigin = null,
null|bool $disabled = null,
null|string $fetchpriority = null,
null|string $href = null,
null|string $hreflang = null,
null|string $imagesizes = null,
null|string $imagesrcset = null,
null|string $integrity = null,
null|string $media = null,
null|string $prefetch = null,
null|string $referrerpolicy = null,
null|string $rel = null,
null|string $sizes = null,
null|string $target = null,
null|string $title = null,
null|string $type = null,
): Link;
Print the added scripts for the body:
public static function outputBodyScripts(): string;
Print the added scripts for the head:
public static function outputHeadScripts(): string;
Print the added links:
public static function outputLinks(): string;
Add body script:
* @see
public function __construct(
private null|bool $async = null,
private null|string $crossorigin = null,
private null|bool $defer = null,
private null|string $fetchpriority = null,
private null|string $integrity = null,
private null|bool $nomodule = null,
private null|string $nonce = null,
private null|string $referrerpolicy = null,
private null|string $src = null,
private null|string $type = null
Add head script:
* @see
public function __construct(
private null|bool $async = null,
private null|string $crossorigin = null,
private null|bool $defer = null,
private null|string $fetchpriority = null,
private null|string $integrity = null,
private null|bool $nomodule = null,
private null|string $nonce = null,
private null|string $referrerpolicy = null,
private null|string $src = null,
private null|string $type = null
Add link:
* @see
public function __construct(
private null|string $as = null,
private null|string $crossorigin = null,
private null|bool $disabled = null,
private null|string $fetchpriority = null,
private null|string $href = null,
private null|string $hreflang = null,
private null|string $imagesizes = null,
private null|string $imagesrcset = null,
private null|string $integrity = null,
private null|string $media = null,
private null|string $prefetch = null,
private null|string $referrerpolicy = null,
private null|string $rel = null,
private null|string $sizes = null,
private null|string $target = null,
private null|string $title = null,
private null|string $type = null,
Example of use for this library:
use Josantonius\Asset\Elements\BodyScript;
new BodyScript(
src: ''
use Josantonius\Asset\Facades\Asset;
src: 'script.js',
type: 'text/javascript'
use Josantonius\Asset\Elements\HeadScript;
new HeadScript(
src: 'script.js',
type: 'module'
use Josantonius\Asset\Facades\Asset;
crossorigin: 'anonymous',
defer: true,
integrity: 'sha256-n9+',
src: '',
type: 'text/javascript'
use Josantonius\Asset\Elements\Link;
new Link(
crossorigin: 'anonymous',
href: '',
integrity: 'sha256-n9+',
media: 'all',
rel: 'stylesheet'
use Josantonius\Asset\Facades\Asset;
href: '',
rel: 'stylesheet'
use Josantonius\Asset\Asset;
$asset = new Asset();
echo $asset->outputBodyScripts();
use Josantonius\Asset\Facades\Asset;
echo Asset::outputBodyScripts();
use Josantonius\Asset\Asset;
$asset = new Asset();
echo $asset->outputHeadScripts();
use Josantonius\Asset\Facades\Asset;
echo Asset::outputHeadScripts();
use Josantonius\Asset\Asset;
$asset = new Asset();
echo $asset->outputLinks();
use Josantonius\Asset\Facades\Asset;
echo Asset::outputLinks();
use Josantonius\Asset\Elements\Link;
use Josantonius\Asset\Elements\BodyScript;
use Josantonius\Asset\Elements\HeadScript;
new BodyScript(src: 'foo.js', async: true);
new BodyScript(src: 'bar.js', type: 'text/javascript');
new HeadScript(src: '', type: 'module');
new HeadScript(src: '', defer: true);
new Link(href: '', rel: 'stylesheet');
new Link(href: '', rel: 'stylesheet', media: 'all');
use Josantonius\Asset\Asset;
$asset = new Asset();
<?= $asset->outputLinks() ?>
<?= $asset->outputHeadScripts() ?>
<?= $asset->outputBodyScripts() ?>
<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" media="all">
<script src="" type="module"></script>
<script defer src=""></script>
<script async src="foo.js"></script>
<script src="bar.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
use Josantonius\Asset\Facades\Asset;
Asset::addBodyScript(src: 'foo.js', async: true);
Asset::addBodyScript(src: 'bar.js', type: 'text/javascript');
Asset::addHeadScript(src: '', type: 'module');
Asset::addHeadScript(src: '', defer: true);
Asset::addLink(href: '', rel: 'stylesheet');
Asset::addLink(href: '', rel: 'stylesheet', media: 'all');
use Josantonius\Asset\Facades\Asset;
<?= Asset::outputLinks() ?>
<?= Asset::outputHeadScripts() ?>
<?= Asset::outputBodyScripts() ?>
<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" media="all">
<script src="" type="module"></script>
<script defer src=""></script>
<script async src="foo.js"></script>
<script src="bar.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
To run tests you just need composer and to execute the following:
git clone
cd php-asset
composer install
Run unit tests with PHPUnit:
composer phpunit
Run code standard tests with PHPCS:
composer phpcs
Run PHP Mess Detector tests to detect inconsistencies in code style:
composer phpmd
Run all previous tests:
composer tests
- Add new feature
- Improve tests
- Improve documentation
- Improve English translation in the README file
- Refactor code for disabled code style rules (see phpmd.xml and phpcs.xml)
- Add other HTML elements
- Add feature to add code between the
Detailed changes for each release are documented in the release notes.
Please make sure to read the Contributing Guide, before making a pull request, start a discussion or report a issue.
Thanks to all contributors! ❤️
If this project helps you to reduce your development time, you can sponsor me to support my open source work 😊
This repository is licensed under the MIT License.
Copyright © 2016-present, Josantonius