PICoForth is the compiler for PIC12 and PIC16 families of famous Microchip's microcontrollers
requires gForth and gputils
WARNING - this code is in (pre) alfpa state. It is usable, at least 1 simple project is done using this compiler, but many features are missing. See TODO
install script missing yet, no link to libraries etc, you should compile directly from this directory try this: ./picoforth examples/servo.fp you should found the .hex file and friends in example directory
there are 3 styles of calling words:
inline - the word is compiled inline. usesfull for simple words like dup, drop etc and for words that are called few times. :pic-inline .... ;
simple call - uses call and return instructions to call the word there is hardware limit to 8 levels. Many of library words consumes 1 level of stack. The interrupt consumes 1 level of stack too :pic ..... ;
return stack call there is no limit to 8 levels of stack, the return address is stored in return stack. This method is slower than simple call and consumes 2 bytes of ram (in return stack) :pic-rcall .... ;
fsr registers are defined by word def.
def \ 8 bits def16 \ 16 bitsvariables are in ram variables cannot be placed on arbitrary address and cannot be initialized var \ 8 bit variable var16 \ 16 bit variable var32 \ 32 bit variable
number in variables, stack and return stack are always stored in big endian - high byte on higher address
both fsr and variables defines the following words:
var foo foo \ returns address of variable (16 bit literal) foo@ \ fetch variable (16 bit) on stack (not for 32bit vars) foo-c@ \ fetch variable (8 bit) on stack foo! \ store variable (16 bit) from stack (not for 32bit vars) foo-c! \ store variable (8 bit) from stack
32bits vars has different ! and @ style: foo!, foo@ \ double (32bit) fetch and store foo-s!, foo-s@ \ single (16bit) fetch and store (high bits of variable are ignored) foo-c!, foo-c@ \ char (8bit) fetch and store (high bits of variable are ignored)
foo+! \ add 16 bit value on stack to variable (only 16 and 8 bit variables) foo+c! \ add 8 bit value on stack to variable (only 16 and 8 bit variables) foo-and! \ and 16/32 bit value on stack to variable foo-cand! \ and 8 bit value on stack to variable foo-or! \ or 16/32 bit value on stack to variable foo-cor! \ or 8 bit value on stack to variable foo-xor! \ xor 16/32 bit value on stack to variable foo-cxor! \ xor 8 bit value on stack to variable foo-inc \ increment foo-dec \ decrement
defining bits: on both fsr and variables can be declared one or more bits defbit
i.e. intcon 7 defbit gie defbit defines the following words: gie \ returns bitmask, in this case $80 (16 bits) \ fixme gie-c \ returns bitmask (8 bits) gie@ \ places 16 bit boolean on stack gie-c@ \ places 8 bit boolean on stack gie! \ set or clear the bit depends on stack (16 bit) gie-c! \ set or clear the bit depends on stack (8 bit) gie-set \ sets the bit gie-reset \ resets the bit
the following words can be used in normal conditional and loop structures gie-if gie-0-if gie-while gie-0-while gie-until gie-0-until
NAMING FSR AND BITS all bit and fsr names are got from original include Only few bits are renamed because of conflict with forth words bit C of STATUS is renamed to CY (conflicts with c@ c! and similar) removed one letter only names of bits of SSPSTAT \ SSPSTAT 5 defbit D SSPSTAT 5 defbit I2C_DATA \ SSPSTAT 4 defbit P SSPSTAT 4 defbit I2C_STOP \ SSPSTAT 3 defbit S SSPSTAT 3 defbit I2C_START \ SSPSTAT 2 defbit R SSPSTAT 2 defbit I2C_READ however, all of these bits has longer aliases
During the compiling the tree of dependencies is maintained for deactivate pieces of unused code. If you want call some word directly from assembly, you must declare the dependency manually using word 'requires-word xxx'
:pic aaa
.... some code ....
endasm ;
:pic bbb asm mypageselw aaa_mylabel call aaa_mylabel ; or __CALL STYLE_CALL, aaa_mylabel ; or __CALL STYLE_CALL, _WORD_aaa_1 ; note the sequence number endasm requires-word aaa ;
you can declare word as required using word 'required' :pic foo ... some code ... ; required this word will be compiled even if it is not used by other words
you can declare in some point of program, that all following words will be required (this is default for user program) required-start and put off this option with required-stop
make sure that the words 'main' and 'interrupt' are required!
CONSTANTS you can use the constants inside both pc and pic words. Every constant is defined for both targets simultaneously. You must specify the size of constant. 'constant8', 'constant16', 'constant32' and 'constant' compiling words are available 'constant' mades 16bits constants, exactly as 'constant16'.
If you does not plan to use some constant in pic program, you can ommit the size, the pc constants are always 32 bits wide.
You can use word 'pc-constant' for defining pc only constants (does not produce any asm output). PIC constants are defined using equ.
DATA The word 'create' defines both pc and pic header, every following , or c, puts the word/byte to both pc's memory and pic asm output. You cannot use allot for allocate the space in pic program. If you should define only pic data, you can use word 'pic-create', in this case every following , or c, puts data only to asm output. Simillary, if you define 'pc-create', ',' and 'c,' puts data in pc memory and you can use the allot too.