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Data Converter Tool for Virtual Watershed Platform (VWP)

The virtual watershed platform will serve many purposes when it is fully operational. These include

  • Sharing and organizing datasets either produced by or useful to a watershed hydrologist using the Virtual Watershed Data Engine, powered by GSToRE
  • Running hydrological models on data that either a scientist or others others have shared
  • Connect datasets to CI-Vis's 3D immersive visualizations
  • Create or view other visualizations
  • Socialize: follow other scientists contributions

This tool is designed to help hydrologists for performing data conversions of input files for PRMS model. The tool supports convertions from text format to netCDF and vice-versa.

This tool performs the following functionalities :

  1. Text to NetCDF

    • Control File to NetCDF
    • Data File to NetCDF
    • Parameter File to NetCDF
    • PRMS-Out File to NetCDF
    • Statvar File to NetCDF
    • Animation File to NetCDF
  2. NetCDF To Text

    • Data File to Text
    • Parameter File to Text
  3. Run PRMS Model using model input files in text format


Text to NetCDF

Alt text

Alt text

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NetCDF to Text

Alt text

Alt text

RUN PRMS Model using model input files in text format

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