Scan https sites to determine when an SSL certificate is set to expire.
go build
cd certificateutils
go test -v
=== RUN TestExpiringCertificate
--- PASS: TestExpiringCertificate (0.38s)
=== RUN TestExpiredCertificate
--- PASS: TestExpiredCertificate (0.20s)
ok ssl_scan/certificateutils 0.612s
./ssl_scan -hostname
Configured Options...
SSL expiration notification threshold set at: 60 days
Connection timeout set to: 10 seconds
* Certificate status: OK!
Subject Name:
Issuer: Symantec Class 3 Secure Server CA - G4
Expiration date: Mon Oct 30 23:59:59 UTC 2017
Request Time: 375.783575ms
Certificate summary
There are 1 OK certificates
Subject name: -- Instances found: 1
Time taken to complete all certificate scans: 376.108547ms
./ssl_scan -file urls.txt
Configured Options...
SSL expiration notification threshold set at: 60 days
Connection timeout set to: 10 seconds
* certificate expiring in 29 days
Subject Name: *
Issuer: Starfield Secure Certificate Authority - G2
Expiration date: Wed Jul 12 16:12:34 UTC 2017
Request Time: 1.401266882s
Certificate summary
There are 1 certificates expiring soon
Subject name: * -- Instances found: 13
Time taken to complete all certificate scans: 10.05354835s