Method: POST /players
Required Attributes
: This gets used as the ID on upload to Braintree's Sandbox
Method: POST
URI: /players
Payload: {"email": "", "handle": "foobar"}
Method: POST /players?email=<email>
Method: GET
Path: /players?
Response: {"id": 45, "email": "", "handle": "foobar"}
Method: GET /players/<id>
Method: GET
Path: /players/45
Response: {"id": 45, "email": "", "handle": "foobar"}
Method: GET /games/<game_id>
Method: GET
Path: /games/120
Response: {"id": 120, "score": 100, "status": "in progress", "cost": 45}
Method: POST /players/<player_id>/games
Method: POST /games/<game_id>/points {"points": <points>}
Method: POST /games/<game_id>/charge {"amount": <cost>}
Method: POST /games/<game_id>/finish
(In a browser)
Method: GET /leaderboard