This role creates a docker container using the community.general.docker_container module along with a Tailscale container to serve as it's networking namespace. Containers will be automatically added to your Tailnet using an Authkey or OAuth Client secret.
You will need a Tailscale Account and a Tailscale Auth key or OAuth Client secret for this role to run properly. It is recommended that you store your secret in Ansible vault, in a dictionary format like this:
key: <random-secret-string-here>
You can reference this variable with:
"{{ tailscale_containers_oauth_key[key] }}"
Ensure you use --ask-vault-pass
or the -J flag when calling your playbook.
The reason for the dictionary format is that I've found it plays nice with other Tailscale related roles that require this format. A simple key:value variable format should work for this role, but I recommend the dictionary format for consistency.
# Required variables with defaults
no_serve: false
https_container: false
public: false
serve_config: serve-config.json
extra_args: ""
userspace_networking: "true"
# Required variables without defaults
authkey: # Your Tailscale Auth key or Oath Client secret. It is recommended to use Ansible vault for this.
service_name: # The container's hostname as it will be added to your tailnet. This will also be used to create a sub-directory on the host for bind mounts. This sub-directory will be in the {{ ansible_user }}'s home directory.
container_image: # Container's image (without tag appended)
container_tag: # Container's tag
# Optional variables
container_user: # User to run the container as -- advanced use only (generally not used)
container_volumes: # Volumes in list format
env_vars: # Environment variables in dictionary format
container_labels: # Container labels in dictionary format
container_commands: # Commands to run on container startup
Docker is required to be installed on the target node
This example installs Uptime Kuma as a non-public (not exposed to the internet) container. It is not using userspace networking and has no environment variables provided
- name: Install Uptime Kuma
hosts: uptime-kuma
- name: Install Uptime Kuma
name: ../../roles/ts-container
authkey: "{{ tailscale_containers_oauth_key['key'] }}"
service_name: uptime-kuma
container_image: louislam/uptime-kuma
container_tag: latest
serve_port: 3001
userspace_networking: "false"
public: false
- /home/{{ ansible_user }}/{{ container_name }}/app:/app/data
This example installs plex as a public (exposed to the internet) container. It has several environment variables provided and is not using userspace networking.
- name: Install plex
hosts: plex
- name: Include variables
dir: ../../vars
- name: Install plex
name: ../../roles/ts-container
authkey: "{{ tailscale_containers_oauth_key['key'] }}"
service_name: plex
container_tag: arm64v8-latest
https_container: true
serve_port: 32400
userspace_networking: "false"
public: true
- /home/{{ ansible_user }}/plex/config:/config
- /home/{{ ansible_user }}/media/media:/media
PUID: "1000"
PGID: "999"
TZ: "America/New_York"
Version: "docker"
Josh Noll