Define a custom network which is not supported
Ability to define a custom network, allowing support for any EVM network uniswap fork.. example:
// Generate Uniswap pair
const pair = new UniswapPair({
fromTokenContractAddress: "0x0d500b1d8e8ef31e21c99d1db9a6444d3adf1270",
toTokenContractAddress: desiredTokenAddress,
ethereumAddress: this.wallet.address,
providerUrl: this.rpc,
chainId: 137,
settings: new UniswapPairSettings({
slippage: this.slippage, // Slippage config
deadlineMinutes: 5, // 5m max execution deadline
disableMultihops: false, // Allow multihops
uniswapVersions: [UniswapVersion.v2], // Only V2
cloneUniswapContractDetails: {
v2Override: {
routerAddress: "0x1b02da8cb0d097eb8d57a175b88c7d8b47997506",
factoryAddress: "0xc35dadb65012ec5796536bd9864ed8773abc74c4",
pairAddress: "0xc35dadb65012ec5796536bd9864ed8773abc74c4"
// v3Override exists here as well!
customNetwork: {
nameNetwork: "polygon",
nativeCurrency: {
name: "Matic Token",
symbol: "MATIC"
nativeWrappedTokenInfo: {
chainId: 137,
contractAddress: "0x0d500b1d8e8ef31e21c99d1db9a6444d3adf1270",
decimals: 18,
symbol: "WMATIC",
name: "Wrapped Matic"
// can define your base tokens here if any!
baseTokens: {
usdt: {
chainId: 137,
contractAddress: 'CONTRACT_ADDRESS',
decimals: 18,
symbol: 'USDT',
name: 'Tether USD',
// dai...
// comp...
// usdc...
// wbtc...
Also thanks for the eth donations for this feature allowing it to be fast tracked - you can thank @vm06007 for that!