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Your best friend when working with the latest and greatest Contacts Framework in iOS 9+ in React Native.


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Your best friend when working with the latest and greatest Contacts Framework in iOS 9+ and combining that with Android 6 (SDK 23)+ support

Platform Compatibility

Requires iOS 9+ and Swift 4 for iOS or Android M (6.0 / SDK 23)+ for Anrdoid

iOS Android Notes
getContact 🚫
selectContact 🚫 Opens up native Contacts app and allows User to select a single Contact.
openContact 🚫 Opens up a native card for a single Contact, allowing the User to contact them.
addContact 🚫
updateContact 🚫
deleteContact 🚫
getGroup 🚫
getGroups 🚫
contactsInGroup 🚫
addGroup 🚫
updateGroup 🚫
deleteGroup 🚫
addContactsToGroup 🚫
removeContactsFromGroup 🚫
alreadyRequestedAccessToContacts ✅️ Android lets you request permission after denying, but not if "Don't ask again" is checked.

Apple recently did a complete overhaul of their Contacts Framework that does a number of things, including:

  1. Making it simpler to use the framework.

  2. Use the same framework across all their platforms, including iOS, tvOS, watchOS and even OS X.

  3. Get unified Contact details not only from a User's local Contact entry, but also from the user's social accounts, like Facebook and Twitter. This allows you to get a Facebook profile picture for a Contact you have in your contact database.


  1. Install the npm package:
npm install --save react-native-unified-contacts

This will install the latest react-native-unified-contacts package and add it to your package.json file.

Automatic Installation

  1. Link the project:
react-native link react-native-unified-contacts

Manual Installation

Manual installation is only required if automatic linking fails.


  1. Navigate to <your-project-directory>/node_modules/react-native-unified-contacts/ and drag the RNUnifiedContacts directory into your project directory in Xcode.

  2. Ensure that Copy items if needed is not checked

  3. Select Create groups and ensure your project is selected for a target.

Select files


  1. In android/settings.gradle:
include ':react-native-unified-contacts'
project(':react-native-unified-contacts').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, '../node_modules/react-native-unified-contacts/android')
  1. In android/app/build.gradle:
dependencies {
    implementation project(':react-native-unified-contacts')
  1. Also in android/app/build.gradle: Set minSdkVersion to 23 (Android 6.0 or i.e. Android M)

android {
  defaultConfig {
    minSdkVersion 23
  1. In android/app/source/main/AndroidManifest.xml:
  1. In in android/app/src/main/java/[your-app]/
import com.joshuapinter.RNUnifiedContacts.RNUnifiedContactsPackage; // <------ Add this line

public class MainApplication extends Application implements ReactApplication {
  private final ReactNativeHost mReactNativeHost = new ReactNativeHost(this) {
    public boolean getUseDeveloperSupport() {
      return BuildConfig.DEBUG;
    protected List<ReactPackage> getPackages() {
      return Arrays.<ReactPackage>asList(
        new MainReactPackage(),
        new RNUnifiedContactsPackage(),  // <------ Add this line

Post-Install Setup

Permissions iOS

For iOS 10+, you need to add a NSContactsUsageDescription key to your Info.plist, also called Privacy - Contacts Usage Description if entered through XCode's interface. This provides a reason why your app needs to access private information:

<string>ntwrk accesses Contacts in order to quickly add Relationships and allow them to reach out via ntwrk through email, text, phone, etc.</string>

Permissions Android

Add permissions to your android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml file. Below are exampes. You may only need READ_CONTACTS. Only ask for the permissions your app needs.

  <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_PROFILE" />
  <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_CONTACTS" />
  <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_CONTACTS" />


Import Contacts Library

import Contacts from 'react-native-unified-contacts';

Getting Contacts

Get a single contact

let contactIdentifier = 'A7806266-6574-4731-82E1-C54946F63E1C';

Contacts.getContact( contactIdentifier, (error, contact) =>  {
  if (error) {
  else {

Get All Contacts

Contacts.getContacts( (error, contacts) =>  {
  if (error) {
  else {

Search All Contacts

Contacts.searchContacts( 'Don Draper', (error, contacts) =>  {
  if (error) {
  else {

This will search the given (first), family (last) and nick names of all of the contacts for the provided string. Future versions will allow you to search other fields as well, like phone or email.

Select a Single Contact

Select Contact GIF

This will launch the stock Contacts app and allow you to select a particular Contact, returning the Contact card to your app. Android Only

Contacts.selectContact( (error, contact) =>  {
  if (error) {
  else {

Open a Single Contact

This will launch the stock Contact card of a single Contact and allows you to contact them through text, phone, email, etc. Android Only

Contacts.openContact( contactIdentifier );

Adding Contacts

Add a single contact

let contactData = {
  'givenName':        'John',
  'familyName':       'Appleseed',
  'organizationName': 'Apple Inc',
  'phoneNumbers': [
    {'label': 'Home', 'stringValue': '555-522-8243'},
    {'label': 'Work', 'stringValue': '(408) 555-5270'},
  'emailAddresses': [
    {'label': 'Work', 'value': ''},
    {'label': 'Home', 'value': ''},
  'postalAddresses': [
      'label': 'Work',
      'street': '123 Fake Street',
      'city':  'Boston',
      'state':  'MA',
      'postalCode':  '90210',
      'country':  'United States',
      'label': 'Home',
      'street': '123 North Street',
      'city':  'Halifax',
      'state':  'NS',
      'postalCode':  'M5M 4T4',
      'country':  'Canada',

Contacts.addContact( contactData, (error, success) => {
  if (error) {
  else {

Updating Contacts

Update a single contact

let contactIdentifier = 'A7806266-6574-4731-82E1-C54946F63E1C';

let contactData = {
  'givenName':        'John',
  'familyName':       'Appleseed',
  'organizationName': 'Apple Inc',
  'phoneNumbers': [
    {'label': 'Home', 'stringValue': '555-522-8243'},
    {'label': 'Work', 'stringValue': '(408) 555-5270'},
  'emailAddresses': [
    {'label': 'Work', 'value': ''},
    {'label': 'Home', 'value': ''},
  'postalAddresses': [
      'label': 'Work',
      'street': '123 Fake Street',
      'city':  'Boston',
      'state':  'MA',
      'postalCode':  '90210',
      'country':  'United States',
      'label': 'Home',
      'street': '123 North Street',
      'city':  'Halifax',
      'state':  'NS',
      'postalCode':  'M5M 4T4',
      'country':  'Canada',

Contacts.updateContact(contactIdentifier, contactData, (error, success) => {
  if (error) {
  else {

NOTE: If your contactData includes the keys phoneNumbers, emailAddresses, or postalAddresses the associated value will completely replace any Phone Numbers, Email Addresses or Postal Addresses for that Contact, respectively. In other words, if you have a contact with two Phone Numbers and you'd like to add a third, you need to pass in ALL THREE Phone Numbers, not just the new one. Same goes for Email Addresses and Postal Addresses.

Deleting Contacts

Delete a single contact

let contactIdentifier = 'A7806266-6574-4731-82E1-C54946F63E1C';

Contacts.deleteContact( contactIdentifier, (error, success) => {
  if (error) {
  else {

Getting Groups

Get a single group

let groupIdentifier = 'A7806266-6574-4731-82E1-C54946F63E1C';

Contacts.getGroup( groupIdentifier, (error, group) =>  {
  if (error) {
  } else {

Get all Groups

Contacts.getGroups( (error, groups) =>  {
  if (error) {
  else {

Get contacts in group

let groupIdentifier = 'A7806266-6574-4731-82E1-C54946F63E1C';

Contacts.contactsInGroup(groupIdentifier, (error, contacts) =>  {
  if (error) {
  } else {

Add a group

let groupData = {
  'name': 'Friends'

Contacts.addGroup(groupData, (error, success) => {
  if (error) {
  else {

Update a group

let groupIdentifier = 'A7806266-6574-4731-82E1-C54946F63E1C';

let groupData = {
  'name': 'Friends'

Contacts.updateGroup(groupIdentifier, groupData, (error, success) => {
  if (error) {
  else {

Delete a group

let groupIdentifier = 'A7806266-6574-4731-82E1-C54946F63E1C';

Contacts.deleteGroup(groupIdentifier, (error, success) => {
  if (error) {
  else {

Add contacts to a group

let groupIdentifier = 'A7806266-6574-4731-82E1-C54946F63E1C';

let contactIdentifiers = [

Contacts.addContactsToGroup(groupIdentifier, contactIdentifiers, (error, success) => {
  if (error) {
  } else {

Remove contacts from a group

let groupIdentifier = 'A7806266-6574-4731-82E1-C54946F63E1C';

let contactIdentifiers = [

Contacts.removeContactsFromGroup(groupIdentifier, contactIdentifiers, (error, success) => {
  if (error) {
  } else {

Accessing the User's Contacts

Can The User Access Contacts?

Contacts.userCanAccessContacts( (userCanAccessContacts) => {
  if (userCanAccessContacts) {
    console.log("User has access to Contacts!");
  else {
    console.log("User DOES NOT have access to Contacts!");

This will not request access. For that, use the requestAccessToContacts.

Request Access To Contacts

Contacts.requestAccessToContacts( (userCanAccessContacts) => {
  if (userCanAccessContacts) {
    console.log("User has access to Contacts!");
  else {
    console.log("User DOES NOT have access to Contacts!");

This will do everything you'd expect. Here's the workflow:

  1. Does the user already have access to Contacts?

    1. Yes. Return true.

    2. No.

    3. If the User has not been asked before (first time asking), prompt user for access:

      1. Yes. Return true.

      2. No. Return false.

    4. If user has already denied access to Contacts, return false.

      The user will have to go to their privacy settings and allow access manually. We provide a openPrivacySettings method that allows you to bring up the privacy page easily for the user. See below.

Check if Already Requsted Access To Contacts

Contacts.alreadyRequestedAccessToContacts( (hasRequested) => {
  if (hasRequested) {
    console.log("You have already requested access to contacts");
  else {
    console.log("You have not yet asked for access to contacts");

Since you cannot ask again after the user refuses, this allows you to change the UI

Open the User's Privacy Settings


In the event that the User has denied access to their Contacts, you will need to have them manually change their setting in the privacy page. This method will open up the right page automatically for them and improves the experience for the user.

Here's an example of how you might alert the user that they need to update their privacy settings:

// Alert the User that we can't access their Contact.
// Provide a link that will open up their Privacy Settings for ntwrk.
function alertUserToAllowAccessToContacts() {
    "Can't Access Your Contacts",
    "Click on Open Settings and allow ntwrk to access your Contacts.\n" +
    "\n" +
    "Then come back!",
      {text: 'Open Settings', onPress: () => Contacts.openPrivacySettings() },
      {text: "Later"}

This will produce an alert similar to this:

Privacy Settings Alert

Contact Object

The returned Contact object(s) will look something like this:

  "contactRelations": [
      "label": "Mother",
      "identifier": "2D103009-45E2-4CA5-A2D5-50642EE7430C",
      "name": "Mother Name",
      "localizedLabel": "mother"
  "middleName": "Middle Name",
  "phoneticGivenName": "Phonetic Given Name",
  "phoneticMiddleName": "Phonetic Middle Name",
  "nickname": "Nickname",
  "phoneticFamilyName": "Phonetic Family Name",
  "previousFamilyName": "Previous Family Name",
  "familyName": "Family Name",
  "phoneNumbers": [
      "label": "Home",
      "identifier": "73A0E4B6-86F6-4FAF-A7C3-D55705CA1DFF",
      "stringValue": "1 (234) 567-8901",
      "countryCode": "us",
      "digits": "12345678901",
      "localizedLabel": "home"
  "identifier": "D296E8E2-982F-4C39-9845-B75808B9CF96:ABPerson",
  "givenName": "Given Name",
  "dates": [
      "label": "Anniversary",
      "identifier": "FB73491F-E505-4864-8B68-F5F17C5AC4D7",
      "year": 2016,
      "month": 1,
      "day": 30,
      "localizedLabel": "anniversary"
  "fullName": "Full Name",
  "nonGregorianBirthday": {
    "year": 33,
    "month": 1,
    "day": 3
  "departmentName": "Department Name",
  "socialProfiles": [
      "label": "twitter",
      "localizedLabel": "twitter",
      "service": "Twitter",
      "localizedService": "Twitter",
      "urlString": "",
      "userIdentifier": "",
      "username": "12345",
      "identifier": "53698CFA-0125-48FE-84D7-E8372CD99ECD"
  "emailAddresses": [
      "label": "Home",
      "identifier": "8AE516A9-A531-4BBA-B890-BFA59E47A4C7",
      "value": "",
      "localizedLabel": "home"
  "instantMessageAddresses": [
      "label": "Skype",
      "identifier": "82200A8E-4F19-4F5A-A7AF-FA9F8C43B01A",
      "service": "Skype",
      "localizedService": "Skype",
      "username": "12345",
      "localizedLabel": "Skype"
  "note": "Note",
  "postalAddresses": [
      "label": "Home",
      "city": "City",
      "state": "CA",
      "localizedLabel": "home",
      "postalCode": "98765",
      "country": "United States",
      "isoCountryCode": "",
      "stringValue": "123 St\nCity CA 98765\nUnited States",
      "street": "123 St",
      "identifier": "7A472311-AB4F-46F4-B046-B60143DBC858"
  "urlAddresses": [
      "label": "HomePage",
      "identifier": "13F46F96-E5EE-4B6F-A8A6-EBC3C459E314",
      "value": "",
      "localizedLabel": "homepage"
  "organizationName": "Organization Name",
  "birthday": {
    "month": 1,
    "day": 30
  "nameSuffix": "Name Suffix",
  "imageDataAvailable": false,
  "contactType": "person",
  "namePrefix": "Name Prefix",
  "jobTitle": "Job Title"

NOTE: The birthday key will not be included if the Contact's birthday is not set. Also, it's possible for a Contact's birthday to not include the year. In this case, year will be null.

Thumbnail Image

Thumbnail Image Data is stored in a base64 format and can easily be used with the Image component of React Native as follows:

// contact is a single Contact record retrieved from something like Contacts.getContacts().
var base64ImageUri = 'data:image/png;base64,' + contact.thumbnailImageData;

<Image source={{uri: base64ImageUri}}/>



ExampleApp iOS ExampleApp Android

As a quick example and a way to prove that it's working as expected with a fresh React Native app, there's an ExampleApp contained in the repository.

One of the best things to do is to make sure that this is working, see how it works and then take what you need to make it work in your own application.

To quickly run the ExampleApp:

  1. git clone

  2. cd react-native-unified-contacts/ExampleApp

  3. npm install

  4. open ios/ExampleApp.xcodeproject

  5. Select your favourite device and click run.

Other Issues

If you run into trouble, take a look at the following thread:


You should also have the latest version of XCode (9.2+) and Swift (4+).

If that doesn't help you, please create an Issue and we'll figure it out together.

Many Thanks To


  • Add Create/Update/Delete methods for Contacts. (Thanks homanp!)
  • Add Basic Android support.
  • Add Full Android support.


The MIT License (MIT)

Copyright 2016 - 2018 by Joshua Pinter