This is the fat command-line client for literate-programming-lib. It contains the full functionality for literate programming, including useful commands such as jshint included in it. For a thin client, check out litpro
Full documentation: Literate Programming, MD: How to Treat and Prevent Software Project Mess
This is not done being fully baked, hence v0.9. But this does represent a significant break from 0.8.4. You can take a look at for some observations of mine as I converted from the old version to the new.
Install using npm install literate-programming
Usage is ./node_modules/bin/litpro file
and it has some command flags.
If you want a global install so that you just need to write
then use npm install -g literate-programming
The library has a full listing of the syntax, commands, and directives. Here we list the flags and new commands and directives.
Save the following code to file
and run literate-programming
# Welcome
So you want to make a literate program? Let's have a program that outputs
all numbers between 1 to 10.
Let's save it in file count.js
[count.js](#Structure "save: | jshint")
## Structure
We have some intial setup. Then we will generate the array of numbers. We
end with outputting the numbers.
var numarr = [], start=1, end = 11, step = 1;
## Output
At this point, we have the array of numbers. Now we can join them with a
comma and output that to the console.
console.log("The numbers are: ", numarr.join(", ") );
## Loop
Set the loop up and push the numbers onto it.
var i;
for (i = start; i < end; i += step) {
For more information, see the documentation book which is free to read online or available for purchase as a PDF.
Some particularly useful syntax sections are:
It is inherently unsecure to compile literate program documents. No effort has been made to make it secure. Compiling a literate program using this program is equivalent to running arbitrary code on your computer. Only compile from trusted sources, i.e., use the same precautions as running a node module.