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About this repository

Applications that powers the JourneyMonitor website at

It contains two technical stacks, one based on PHP (e.g. the Symfony2 app), one based on JVM technology.

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About the JourneyMonitor project

Please see for more information.

Setting up a development environment

Using Docker (recommended)

Set up a development environment as described in this document.

Afterwards, follow these steps:

  • From infra/docker, run docker-compose exec journeymonitor-control bash
  • cd /opt/journeymonitor/control

Enjoy. Consider running most commands via sudo -u www-data, because www-data is the owner of all files in /opt/journeymonitor/control and the owner of the nginx and php-fpm processes.


  • cd /opt/journeymonitor/control/php
  • sudo -u www-data make test

Mac OS X

We do not officially support installing and running this application on Mac OS X environments (outside of Docker), but the following might be helpful if you want to give it a try.

Assumes that you have Make, PHP 5.5, Git, Bower, and Composer installed.

git clone
cd control/php
make dependencies
make migrations
make assets
make dev-server-run

You can now access the application at http://localhost:8000. Run the tests via make tests. Please note that you need to increase the memory_limit in php.ini to 256M to make the test run work.


We do not officially support installing and running this application on Windows environments, but the following might be helpful if you want to give it a try. The described steps have been tested on Windows 8.1 Pro x64 WMC.

  • First install git:
  • git clone
  • cd control
  • Download PHP from (x64 Threadsafe) and unzip to C:\Program Files\php
  • Add php to your PATH Variable (Windows+Pause --> Advanced --> Environment Variables --> PATH (Edit / New) --> Add 'C:\Program Files\php;' without quotes)
  • Copy C:\Program Files\php\php.ini-development to C:\Program Files\php\php.ini
  • Start an editor of your choice in elevated (admin) mode and make sure the following extensions are activated (remove ; in front):
  • extension_dir = "ext"
  • extension=php_curl.dll
  • extension=php_mbstring.dll
  • extension=php_openssl.dll
  • extension=php_pdo_sqlite.dll
  • extension=php_sqlite3.dll
  • Also add date.timezone = Europe/Berlin to the file
  • Open a cmd console and try to run php - if you see no output at all thats's good!
  • Next you need to install Composer from
  • Change into the cloned directory, subfolder php, and run composer install - choose C:\Temp\journeymonitor-control as the database file path
  • Login or create a github user and stay logged in in your browser
  • While running Composer it will fail saying you need to create an auth token - it will generate a link for you redirecting you in your already logged in github account
  • After generating the auth token rerun composer install to get the backend vendor files
  • Install Node.js from
  • Make sure to let the installer add PATH variables
  • If Node.js was installed successfully try running npm in your console - if the command was not found try rebooting
  • Head back to the checked out folder and run npm install -g bower
  • Then run bower install to get the frontend vendor files
  • Run php app/console doctrine:migrations:migrate
  • Run php app/console assets:install
  • Run php app/console server:run

Other info

At php/app/Resources/journeymonitor-control-dev.sqlite3.dist.gz you'll find an sqlite3 database file that contains the user '' with password 'demo123'. The user has some testcases and testresult data. Simply unzip to /var/tmp/journeymonitor-control-dev.sqlite3 if you want to use it.

Web Frontend Styleguide

See for color scheme.