The application allows you to create a shopping list, share and delegate it to your friends and family, and check its status.
- creating a few cards for shopping
- each card can have a title, a product list and notes
- card editing and removing
- user authentication
- sharing different cards with different users
- card filtering: (done/unfinished)
- multiple languages (for now: en and pl)
- adaptive to different screen sizes (responsive design)
It consists of two parts:
- nextjs part (current repo - FrontEnd part + API)
- node/express part (REST API server)
- set parameters to .env-file (see .env.example)
- deploy REST API server (api-shopping-list)
npm i
npm run dev
npm run lint
npm run format
npm run test
npm run coverage
- next (app router) / react
- typescript
- tailwind / scss
- i18next
- vite
- vitest with testing-library
- msw
- add a notification indicator to header
- add opportunity to remove an user (buyer) from a list of sharing
- add option to upload a photo(s) for a product to know what it looks like
- add option to add an alternative item for a product
- add more languages
- change a desktop view
- migrate to React v19
- finish tests