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A lightweight Scala lens library to manipulate immutable objects without pain


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A lightweight Scala lens library to manipulate immutable objects without pain


Lens is a powerful functional abstraction to access and update complex data types. It is a simple concept to offer getter and setter on immutable objects.

  case class Address(street: String, city: String, state: String, zip: Int)
  val address = Address("123-45 67th Street", "NY", "NY", 12345)
  val streetLens = Lens[Address, String](
    _.street,                     //getter
    (s, a) => a.copy(street = s)  //setter
  streetLens.get(address)                   //"123-45 67th Street"
  streetLens.set("42 Time Square", address) //Address("42 Time Square", "NY", "NY", 12345)

Why do we need this?

Scala does provide simple getter-setter-like syntax:

  address.street                          //"123-45 67th Street"
  address.copy(street = "42 Time Square") //Address("42 Time Square", "NY", "NY", 12345)

which look simpler than the code above, right?

However, case could be different when we come to a nested object


  case class Address(street: String, city: String, state: String, zip: Int)
  case class Contact(phone: String, email: String, address: Address)
  case class Student(id: Int, name: String, contact: Contact)

In this case, if I want to access and update the address of a student, the code would be: //"123-45 67th Street"

      address.copy(street = "42 Time Square")
  ) //Address("42 Time Square", "NY", "NY", 12345)

It is composable

The solution to make the code more simple (or readable) is to chain up multiple lenses

  val saLens = contactLens andThen addressLens //Lens[Student, Address]
  saLens.set("42 Time Square", student)        //Address("42 Time Square", "NY", "NY", 12345)

LensCat trait

By extends the case class with LensCat[T], which gives a DSL function, deltaAt, to manipulate the field:

  case class Order(type: String, volume: Long) extends LensCat[Order]
  val order = Order("limit", 100)
  limitOrder.deltaAt(typeLens)(_ => "market")

or as builder pattern

    .deltaAt(typeLens)(_ => "market")
    .deltaAt(volumeLens)(_ => 200)

Different ways to create Lens

There is two ways to create Lens through Focus

Through declaration by providing get and set function with Lens.apply

  val streetLens = Lens[Address, String](
    (s, a) => a.copy(street = s)

Or through macro annotation

  @GenLens case class Address(street: String, city: String, state: String, zip: Int)

Fully automated @GenLens can only works with case class. It generates or modifies a companion object of the class and insert lens for each of the fields.

Address.streetLens  //Lens[Address, String]
Address.cityLens    //Lens[Address, String]
Address.stateLens   //Lens[Address, String]
Address.zipLens     //Lens[Address, Int]

and extends the case class with LensCat[T]

To avoid code pollution, you can specific only the fields you want Lens to be generated

@GenLens("street", "zip") case class Address(street: String, city: String, state: String, zip: Int)

address.cityLens //fail at compilation

Getting Start

In build.sbt, add the following entries:

  libraryDependencies += "com.github.joyfulvillage" %% "focus" % "0.1.0"
  addCompilerPlugin("org.scalamacros" % "paradise" % "2.1.0" cross CrossVersion.full)


A lightweight Scala lens library to manipulate immutable objects without pain







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