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forked from mbolli/nfsen-ng

Responsive NetFlow visualizer built on top of nfdump tools.


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nfsen-ng is an in-place replacement for the ageing nfsen.

Used components



Ubuntu 18.04 LTS:

# run following commands as root
# enable universe repository
add-apt-repository universe && sudo apt update
# install packages
apt install apache2 php7.2 php7.2-dev libapache2-mod-php7.2 pkg-config nfdump rrdtool librrd-dev
# enable apache modules
a2enmod rewrite deflate headers expires
# install rrd library for php
pecl install rrd 
# create rrd library mod entry for php
echo "" > /etc/php/7.2/mods-available/rrd.ini
# enable php mod
phpenmod rrd
# configure virtual host to read .htaccess files
vim /etc/apache2/apache2.conf # set AllowOverride All for /var/www
# restart httpd
service apache2 restart
# install nfsen-ng
cd /var/www/html # or wherever
git clone
chown -R www-data:www-data .
chmod +x backend/cli.php
# next step: configuration

CentOS 7:

# run following commands as root
# update packages
yum update
# enable EPEL repo
yum -y install epel-release
# install yum utils
yum install yum-utils
# install remi release
yum install
# enable the repository for PHP 7.2
yum-config-manager --enable remi-php72
# install packages
yum install git httpd mod_php nfdump php72 php72-php-devel php-devel php-pear php-pecl-rrd rrdtool rrdtool-devel
# configure virtual host to read .htaccess files
vim /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf # set AllowOverride All for /var/www/html
# start httpd service
systemctl start httpd
# enable httpd service
systemctl enable httpd
# install nfsen-ng
cd /var/www/html # or wherever
git clone
chown -R apache:apache .
chmod +x nfsen-ng/backend/cli.php
# next step: configuration


Note: nfsen-ng expects the profiles-data folder structure to be PROFILES_DATA_PATH/PROFILE/SOURCE/YYYY/MM/DD/nfcapd.YYYYMMDDHHII, e.g. /var/nfdump/profiles_data/live/source1/2018/12/01/nfcapd.201812010225.

The default settings file is backend/settings/settings.php.dist. Copy it to backend/settings/settings.php and start modifying it. Example values are in italic:

  • general
    • ports: (array(80, 23, 22, ...)) The ports to examine. Note: If you use RRD as datasource and want to import existing data, you might keep the number of ports to a minimum, or the import time will be measured in moon cycles...
    • sources: (array('source1', ...)) The sources to scan.
    • db: (RRD) The name of the datasource class (case-sensitive).
  • frontend
    • reload_interval: Interval in seconds between graph reloads.
  • nfdump
    • binary: (/usr/bin/nfdump) The location of your nfdump executable
    • profiles-data: (/var/nfdump/profiles_data) The location of your nfcapd files
    • profile: (live) The profile folder to use
    • max-processes: (1) The maximum number of concurrently running nfdump processes. Note: Statistics and aggregations can use lots of system resources, even to aggregate one week of data might take more than 15 minutes. Put this value to > 1 if you want nfsen-ng to be usable while running another query.
  • db If the used data source needs additional configuration, you can specify it here, e.g. host and port.
  • log


The command line interface is used to initially scan existing nfcapd.* files, or to administer the daemon.


./cli.php [ options ] import

or for the daemon

./cli.php start|stop|status

  • Options:

    • -v Show verbose output
    • -p Import ports data as well Note: Using RRD this will take quite a bit longer, depending on the number of your defined ports.
    • -ps Import ports per source as well Note: Using RRD this will take quite a bit longer, depending on the number of your defined ports.
    • -f Force overwriting database and start fresh
  • Commands:

    • import Import existing nfdump data to nfsen-ng. Note: If you have existing nfcapd files, better do this overnight.
    • start Start the daemon for continuous reading of new data. Logs go into backend/nfsen-ng.log.
    • stop Stop the daemon
    • status Get the daemon's status
  • Examples:

    • ./cli.php -f import Imports fresh data for sources

    • ./cli.php -f -p -ps import Imports all data

    • ./cli.php start Starts the daemon


The API is used by the frontend to retrieve data.


  • URL /api/config

  • Method: GET

  • URL Params none

  • Success Response:

    • Code: 200 Content:
        "sources": [ "gate", "swi6" ],
        "ports": [ 80, 22, 23 ],
        "stored_output_formats": [], 
        "stored_filters": [],
        "daemon_running": true
  • Error Response:

    • Code: 400 BAD REQUEST Content:
      {"code": 400, "error": "400 - Bad Request. Probably wrong or not enough arguments."}


    • Code: 404 NOT FOUND Content:
      {"code": 404, "error": "400 - Not found. "}
  • Sample Call:

    curl localhost/nfsen-ng/api/config


  • URL /api/graph?datestart=1490484000&dateend=1490652000&type=flows&sources[0]=gate&protocols[0]=tcp&protocols[1]=icmp&display=sources

  • Method:


  • URL Params

    • datestart=[integer] Unix timestamp
    • dateend=[integer] Unix timestamp
    • type=[string] Type of data to show: flows/packets/bytes
    • sources=[array]
    • protocols=[array]
    • ports=[array]
    • display=[string] can be sources, protocols or ports

    There can't be multiple sources and multiple protocols both. Either one source and multiple protocols, or one protocol and multiple sources.

  • Success Response:

    • Code: 200 Content:
      {"data": {
  • Error Response:

    • Code: 400 BAD REQUEST
      Content: json {"code": 400, "error": "400 - Bad Request. Probably wrong or not enough arguments."}


    • Code: 404 NOT FOUND
      Content: json {"code": 404, "error": "400 - Not found. "}
  • Sample Call:

    curl -g "http://localhost/nfsen-ng/api/graph?datestart=1490484000&dateend=1490652000&type=flows&sources[0]=gate&protocols[0]=tcp&protocols[1]=icmp&display=sources"


  • URL /api/flows?datestart=1482828600&dateend=1490604300&sources[0]=gate&sources[1]=swi6&filter=&limit=100&aggregate=srcip&sort=&output[format]=auto

  • Method:


  • URL Params

    • datestart=[integer] Unix timestamp
    • dateend=[integer] Unix timestamp
    • sources=[array]
    • filter=[string] pcap-syntaxed filter
    • limit=[int] max. returned rows
    • aggregate=[string] can be bidirectional or a valid nfdump aggregation string (e.g. srcip4/24, dstport), but not both at the same time
    • sort=[string] (will probably cease to exist, as ordering is done directly in aggregation) e.g. tstart
    • output=[array] can contain [format] = auto|line|long|extended and [IPv6]
  • Success Response:

    • Code: 200 Content:
      ["2017-03-27 10:40:46","0.000","","","0","0","","1","46","0","0"],
  • Error Response:

    • Code: 400 BAD REQUEST
      Content: json {"code": 400, "error": "400 - Bad Request. Probably wrong or not enough arguments."}


    • Code: 404 NOT FOUND
      Content: json {"code": 404, "error": "400 - Not found. "}
  • Sample Call:

    curl -g "http://localhost/nfsen-ng/api/flows?datestart=1482828600&dateend=1490604300&sources[0]=gate&sources[1]=swi6&filter=&limit=100&aggregate[]=srcip&sort=&output[format]=auto"


  • URL /api/stats?datestart=1482828600&dateend=1490604300&sources[0]=gate&sources[1]=swi6&for=dstip&filter=&top=10&limit=100&aggregate[]=srcip&sort=&output[format]=auto

  • Method:


  • URL Params

    • datestart=[integer] Unix timestamp
    • dateend=[integer] Unix timestamp
    • sources=[array]
    • filter=[string] pcap-syntaxed filter
    • top=[int] return top N rows
    • for=[string] field to get the statistics for. with optional ordering field as suffix, e.g. ip/flows
    • limit=[string] limit output to records above or below of limit e.g. 500K
    • output=[array] can contain [IPv6]
  • Success Response:

    • Code: 200 Content:
          ["Packet limit: > 100 packets"],
          ["2017-03-27 10:38:20","2017-03-27 10:47:58","577.973","any","","673","2.7","676","2.5","56581","2.7","1","783","83"],
  • Error Response:

    • Code: 400 BAD REQUEST
      Content: json {"code": 400, "error": "400 - Bad Request. Probably wrong or not enough arguments."}


    • Code: 404 NOT FOUND
      Content: json {"code": 404, "error": "400 - Not found. "}
  • Sample Call:

    curl -g "http://localhost/nfsen-ng/api/stats?datestart=1482828600&dateend=1490604300&sources[0]=gate&sources[1]=swi6&for=dstip&filter=&top=10&limit=100&aggregate[]=srcip&sort=&output[format]=auto"

More endpoints to come:

  • /api/graph_stats


Responsive NetFlow visualizer built on top of nfdump tools.







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