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Discord bot for Friends of Desoto


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The Friends of DeSoto are a group of fans of Star Trek and The Greatest Generation podcast. AGIMUS is our Discord bot for The USS Hood Discord Server.

Details on how to contribute to the project can be found in


Provided in this repository is a makefile to aid in building, testing and running AGIMUS in a variety of deployment environments. To see all available makefile targets, clone the repository and run make help in a terminal.

$ make help
 ______________,/'      `---..._______...---'
(____________LL). .    ,--'
 /    /.---'       `. /
'--------_  - - - - _/

  make <target>
  help             Displays this help dialog (to set repo/fork ownker REPO_OWNWER=[github-username])

Python stuff
  setup            Install python dependencies via requirements.txt
  start            Start the bot via python

Docker stuff
  docker-build     Build the docker containers for the bot and the database
  docker-pull      Pull the defined upstream containers for BOT_CONTAINER_NAME and BOT_CONTAINER_VERSION
  docker-start     Start the docker containers for the bot and the database
  docker-stop      Stop the docker containers for the bot and the database
  docker-restart   Restart the docker containers running mysql and AGIMUS
  docker-logs      Tail the logs of running containers
  docker-cleanup   Remove all AGIMUS containers from this system
  docker-exec      Get a shell in a running AGIMUS container
  docker-lint      Lint the container with dockle

MySQL stuff
  db-mysql         MySQL session in running db container
  db-bash          Bash session in running db container
  db-dump          Dump the database to a file at $DB_DUMP_FILENAME
  db-load          Load the database from a file at $DB_DUMP_FILENAME
  db-migrate       Apply a migration/sql file to the database from a file at the filepath saved in $(MIGRATION_FILE)
  db-seed          Reload the database from a file at $DB_SEED_FILEPATH
  db-backup        Back the database to a file at $DB_DUMP_FILENAME then commit it to the private database repository (intended to run inside AGIMUS container)
  db-restore       Restore the database from the private database repository (intended to run inside AGIMUS container)
  db-setup-git     Decode private deploy key environment variable and set up git for that user (intended to run inside AGIMUS container)

Kubernetes in Docker (KinD) stuff
  kind             Create a KinD cluster, build docker container, load into cluster, and install with helm
  kind-create      Create a KinD cluster with local config-yaml
  kind-load        Load $BOT_CONTAINER_NAME into a running kind cluster
  kind-test        Install AGIMUS into a running KinD cluster with helm
  kind-destroy     Tear the KinD cluster down

Helm stuff
  helm-config      Install the configmaps and secrets from .env and $(BOT_CONFIGURATION_FILEPATH) using helm
  helm-config-rm   Delete configmaps and secrets
  helm-install     Install AGIMUS helm chart
  helm-uninstall   Remove AGIMUS helm chart
  helm-db-load     Load the database from a file at $DB_SEED_FILEPATH
  helm-db-migrate  Load the database from a file at the filepath saved in $(MIGRATION_FILE)
  helm-db-mysql    Mysql session in mysql pod
  helm-db-forward  Forward the mysql port 3306
  helm-db-pod      Display the pod name for mysql
  helm-agimus-pod  Display the pod name for AGIMUS
  helm-bump-patch  Bump-patch the semantic version of the helm chart using semver tool
  helm-bump-minor  Bump-minor the semantic version of the helm chart using semver tool
  helm-bump-major  Bump-major the semantic version of the helm chart using semver tool

Miscellaneous stuff
  update-badges    Run the automated badge updater script, then commit the changes to a new branch and push
  update-shows     Update the TGG metadata in the database via github action
  lint-actions     Run .gihtub/workflows/*.yaml|yml through action-valdator tool
  version          Print the version of the bot from the helm chart (requires yq)
  encode-config    Print the base64 encoded contents of $(BOT_CONFIGURATION_FILEPATH) (Pro-Tip: pipe to pbcopy on mac)
  encode-env       Print the base64 encoded contents of the .env file  (Pro-Tip: pipe to pbcopy on mac)

Local Dependencies

To execute makefile commands, some third-party dependencies must be installed locally to run, build and test AGIMUS:

Note If you're using homebrew on macOS, you can install most of these in one go: $ brew install kind helm jq yq docker and semver are more easily installed through according to their maintainers' docs.

Docker Usage

This discord bot is built with python using the library and requires a mysql db with credentials stored in a .env file (.env example). To develop locally, docker is used to standardize infrastructure and dependencies.

# Clone AGIMUS source
git clone && cd AGIMUS

# Fill out .env vars...
cp .env-example .env

# Build and start the docker containers
make docker-start

# Mysql session with database
make db-mysql

# Bash session in mysql container
make db-bash

# Mysql dump to file
make db-dump

# Mysql load from a file
make db-load

# Stop the containers
make docker-stop

# Blatent cheating
UPDATE users SET score=42069, spins=420, jackpots=69, wager=25, high_roller=1 WHERE id=1;

Kubernetes Usage

AGIMUS can also be deployed in kubernetes. The provided helm chart includes a persistent volume claim for mysql to run in a pod, and the agimus container itself. To run AGIMUS in a KinD cluster, use the following makefile targets:

# Clone AGIMUS source
git clone && cd AGIMUS

# Fill out .env vars...
cp .env-example .env

# Create a KinD cluster
make kind-create

# Build AGIMUS, and load it into the running KinD cluster
make kind-load

# Install AGIMUS via helm and
make kind-test

To install AGIMUS in an existing kubernetes cluster, a helm chart is published in this repository (note: ensure .env file is populated):

helm repo add agimus
kubectl create namespace agimus
make helm-install

Discord Permissions

First you will need a discord app and bot token to send messages. See this youtube playlist to learn how:

Additional discord role permissions:

  • View channels
  • Send messages
  • Send messages in thread
  • Add reaction
  • Manage messages

Also for the Slash Commands you'll need to enable the applications.commands Scope for your bot Application via the OAuth2 URL Generator. Instructions for how to do this are available through this video at the 58 second timestamp:

The bot now requires Intents.members and Intents.presences. You must enable this through the "Privileged Gateway Intents" page on the Application page of the Discord developer's portal.

AGIMUS permissions

AGIMUS "intents"

AGIMUS Commands and Triggers

Bot commands are triggered by typing an exclamation point followed by a command. Commands must be defined in the configuration.json file, a python file in the commands directory, and an import line added to

Command File Description
!clear_media Deletes all .mp4s in data/drops and data/clips to ensure fresh copies are pulled down on command execution
!qget [user] Get the information in mysql for a specific user
!qset [user] [score | spins | jackpots | wager | high_roller | profile_photo | profile_sticker_1 | xp] [new-value] Set a value of a specific user in mysql
!scores Show the leaderboard of points
$testslots Restricted command to run through 1k /slots spin commands to test success/failure rate
!update_status [playing | listening | watching] <status> Update the bot's server profile status

Slash Commands

Slash commands are triggered by typing a forward slash (/) followed by the command text. The same basic rules apply as the regular ! commands above as far as the info necessary in the configuration.json file, python file in the commands directory, and import line in

Command File Description
/badges [show_to_public] Shows your collected badges
/badge_sets [show_to_public] <category> <selection> Show off a set of badges and which ones you've collected so far
/clip [post|list] <query> (<private>) Posts a .mp4 clip file if it finds a match from the user's query. Clips are short videos while drops are for pod audio.
/drop [post\list] <query> (<private>) Posts a .mp4 drop file if it finds a match from the user's query. Drops are for audio from the pod while clips are for short videos.
/dustbuster Return 5 random trek characters as discussion prompt
/fmk Return 3 random trek characters as discussion prompt
/help Show a help message for a specific channel
/episode_info <tng | voy | ds9 | friends | firefly | simpsons | enterprise | tos | lowerdecks | disco | picard | tas | sunny | bsg> <title> Show information about a specific episode!
/setwager Wager value for poker game
/slots jackpot Show the current jackpot value
/slots jackpots Show the last 10 jackpot winners
/slots spin [tng | ds9 | voy | holodeck | ships] Slot machine game with trek characters or ships
/ping respond pong
/poker 5 card stud style game
/profile Generate profile card with user statistics/options
/quiz start [tng | voy | ds9 | friends | firefly | simpsons | enterprise | tos | lowerdecks | disco | picard | tas | sunny | bsg] Guess the episode from a screen-shot!
/randomep Show information about a random episode!
/setwager [wager] Set your default wager for Slots and Poker
/shop [photos | stickers | roles] Shop with your points earned at games
/trekduel Return 2 random trek characters as discussion prompt
/trektalk Return a random trek related discussion prompt
/trivia <category> Trivia game. (optional dropdown lists available categories)
/tuvix Return 2 random trek characters as discussion prompt
/wordcloud [enable logging: yes| no] Generates a wordcloud based on a user's logged messages

"Computer:" Prompt

In addition to the / and ! commands we have a special case for handling messages that begin with a "Computer:" prompt. It has an entry within configuration.json and the same rules apply to it as the ! commands. Extending the feature should be done within commands/

Command File Description
[Computer:] <text query> Runs the user's query against Wolfram Alpha and OpenAI to provide a Star Trek "Computer"-like experience with context-aware responses.

Generating a Wolfram Alpha API ID

In order to use the basic "Computer"" prompt you'll need to also provide a Wolfram Alpha API ID which can be obtained from their site at . Full instructions for obtaining the API ID can be found in their documentation.

A development ID key is free and supports up to 2000 queries per month.

Once generated it should be placed in your .env file as per the section in .env-example:


If the .env entry is not present, you'll see logs from the command firing but no action will be taken in response to the messages.


The configuration.json file defines metadata about each command like what channel they can be executed in, what parameters can be passed, if the command requires additional data loaded, or if it should be enabled/disabled.

"setwager": {
  "channels": [821892686201094154, 934827868066828308],
  "enabled": true,
  "data": null,
  "parameters": [{
    "name": "wager_value",
    "allowed": [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25],
    "required": true

The file also provides the "Guild ID" for your server, note this is required in order for the slash commands to register properly and will cause a permissions error on startup if not provided!

"guild_ids": [


Each command requires a python script that accepts a discord message as input where the first word matches the filename (Example: !setwager 25 => commands/

from .common import *
# setwager() - Entrypoint for !setwager command
# message[required]: discord.Message
# This function is the main entrypoint of the !setwager command
# and will a user's wager value to the amount passed between 1-25
async def setwager(message:discord.Message):
  min_wager = 1
  max_wager = 25
  wager_val = message.content.lower().replace("!setwager ", "")
  player = get_user(
  current_wager = player["wager"]
  if wager_val.isnumeric():
    wager_val = int(wager_val)
    if wager_val >= min_wager and wager_val <= max_wager:
      set_player_wager(, wager_val)
      msg = f"{}: Your default wager has been changed from `{current_wager}` to `{wager_val}`"
      msg = f"{}: Wager must be a whole number between `{min_wager}` and `{max_wager}`\nYour current wager is: `{current_wager}`"
    msg = f"{}: Wager must be a whole number between `{min_wager}` and `{max_wager}`\nYour current wager is: `{current_wager}`"

# set_player_wager(discord_id, amt)
# discord_id[required]: int
# amt[required]: int
# This function takes a player's discord ID
# and a positive integer and updates the wager
# value for that user in the db
def set_player_wager(discord_id, amt):
  db = getDB()
  amt = max(amt, 0)
  query = db.cursor()
  sql = "UPDATE users SET wager = %s WHERE discord_id = %s"
  vals = (amt, discord_id)
  query.execute(sql, vals)

Each command requires an explicit import in the script.

from commands.setwager import setwager


The automation detailed below run in github action runners.

Pull Requests and Merges

Pull requests to the main branch of the AGIMUS repository will automatically build a container and attempt to run the bot in a KinD cluster and it uses helm to install the kubernetes manifests into a running cluster. There are also make targets to assist in building and running AGIMUS in a KinD cluster locally. On merges to the main branch, another action will run to build and push the AGIMUS container to the github container registry and release a helm chart hosted as a github pages deployment.

The repo also currently provides a way to automatically generate the files for the Greatest Gen .json files located under data/episodes/ (such as tgg_voy.json for example). The utility is under utils as

The script uses Google to gather some of the metadata necessary for each entry, so you'll need to provide two additional ENV variables if you'd like to use this script.

export GOOGLE_CX=

Step-by-step instructions for how to generate these credentials are documented in this Stack Overflow post

Once those have been placed in your .env file, you can execute the script by providing the series prefix and path to the desired output file.

python utils/ -p VOY -o data/episodes/voy.json

Backups and Migrations

There is a task that runs at 6am/pm and 12am/pm, that triggers a makefile target (db-backup), to clone a repo within the AGIMUS container, and use mysql commands to dump the whole database as a single sql file. That file then gets compressed as a tarball, and committed to the database repo (Ask jp00p, VitaZed or draxiom for access). This command can also be triggered outside of the schedule with an ad hoc command within discord !database_backup in the robot-diagnostics channel.

The easiest way to apply migrations, is to override the entrypoint in the docker-compose.yml file with entrypoint: ["sleep", "3600"], then make docker-start to start the database and the AGIMUS container, without running the bot itself. In another terminal, run make docker-exec to run the following commands in the container that would run the AGIMUS app. Overriding the entrypoint is not necessary to run migrations, but will help in the event of a crash loop.

# Pull environment variables secrets
source .env

# Set the migration file to set
export MIGRATION_FILE='./migrations/v1.3.18.sql'

# Run an arbitrary migration sql (docker)
make db-migrate

# Run an arbitrary migration sql (kubernetes)
make helm-db-migrate

# Restore from backup a specific commit in repo
DB_BACKUP_RESTORE_COMMIT=abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz make db-restore

Don't forget to remove the entrypoint override, so AGIMUS can start up normally.



The code in this repository is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.

Non-Code Content

The images and other non-code content in this repository are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License (CC BY-NC). See the LICENSE-CC file for more details.


This project contains images and information from the following source:

The following images and information are used under the CC BY-NC license: