cli-util is an extension of apache common's java command line interface (commons-cli) library. It adds sub commands, more type safely and a declarative style for defining commands, their options, flags and arguments.
If you use Maven, SBT or Gradle, you can easily get the your CLI built and installed to be easily run from the command line at any time, detailed instructions below.
public static void main(String[] args) {
CommandSet app = new CommandSet("bullhorn");
@SubCommand(name="yell", description="Yell stuff")
public class Yell implements Command {
@Arg(name="Text to yell")
public String text;
@Opt(opt="n", longOpt="repeat", description="Number of times to yell the text")
public Number yells = 0;
public void exec(CommandContext commandLine) throws CommandError, Exception {
for(int i = 0; i < yells.intValue(); i++) System.out.println(text);
cli-util is hosted central maven repository, so all you need to do to use it in a maven (or ivy or gradle) project is add the dependency:
(Alternative, one may set version to 1.1-SNAPSHOT to get the latest build snapshots)
Next, open your .bashrc, .profile, or whatever you use and add a BULLHORN_HOME environment variable pointing to your cli-util working directory. Also, the cli bin to the PATH. Lastly, Make sure the JAVA_HOME environment variable is pointing to a JDK.
For bash style shells:
export BULLHORN_HOME=<cli-util-path>/cli-util/example
Build it:
$ mvn package
Run the cli:
$ bullhorn yell
Command line interfaces should be run from a simple shell script. For java, the shell script load a classpath. Setting up a classpath correctly is depends a lot on the particulars of the project it is added to. Some hints:
- Require a "project home" environment variable. Usually this is a PROJECT_NAME_HOME variable.
- Make locations in the classpath relative to the project home environment variable when possible.
- If the classpath is non-trivial or may change, autogenerate the classpath with your build tool.
- Pass arguments through to java app with "$@" (include the quotes)
- Provide a PROJECT_NAME_OPT environment variable that is passed in to the jvmargs that can be optionally set.
See sample-bin/bullhorn for an example bash shell script.
The simplest approach is to using the jar-with-dependencies assembly build plugin (see pom.xml) and then reference it in the shell script.
<id>make-bullhorn</id> <!-- this is used for inheritance merges -->
<phase>package</phase> <!-- bind to the packaging phase -->
shell script:
java -cp $BULLHORN_HOME/target/bullhorn-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar \
jpbetz.cli.BullhornApplication \
Add the "sbt-assembly" plugin to your project and your build.sbt file.
resolvers += Resolver.url("artifactory", url(""))(Resolver.ivyStylePatterns)
addSbtPlugin("com.eed3si9n" % "sbt-assembly" % "0.8.0")
import AssemblyKeys._
Build the assembly using sbt:
$ sbt
sbt> assembly
sbt> exit
This compiles a "uber jar" in target named -assembly-.jar.
shell script:
java -cp `cat $BULLHORN_HOME/target/bullhorn-assembly-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar` \
jpbetz.cli.BullhornApplication \
Add a custom task to generate the classpath. This can either be used to generate the shell script, or be written to a plain file which is used in the shell script.
task cliClasspath << {
new File("$projectDir/bin/classpath").withWriter { out ->
runtimeClasspath.each { File file -> out.print file.absolutePath + ':' }
compileJava.dependsOn cliClasspath
shell script:
java -cp `cat $BULLHORN_HOME/bin/classpath` \
jpbetz.cli.BullhornApplication \
??? Suggestions welcome.