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Paul Dickens edited this page Jul 4, 2017 · 18 revisions

Welcome to the xdrip-js wiki!

Installing on Intel Edison

Follow these steps in this order

Updating NodeJS

The version of Node that ships with jubilinux is old (v0.10.something). Here are the instructions for updating Node:

sudo apt-get remove nodered -y
sudo apt-get remove nodejs nodejs-legacy -y
sudo apt-get remove npm  -y # if you installed npm
sudo curl -sL | sudo bash -
sudo apt-get install nodejs -y

Installing xdrip-js

The installation instructions for noble state that the following command needs to be run to install bluez and dependencies:

sudo apt-get install bluetooth bluez libbluetooth-dev libudev-dev

However, the version of bluez installed by apt-get is an older version that conflicts with the version used in the docs for bluetooth tethering; it seems this step isn't needed with bluez v3.7.

To install xdrip-js for production use, run the command npm install --production after cloning the repo. There will be a whole bunch of compiler warnings, but it should still work.

Notes about pairing

one place to look is /etc/rc.local which can optionally start the "always pair" bluetooth agent initiate a pairing request with that running and it won't matter what pin you provide; non-interactive pairing >acceptance from the edison to a pair request by another device the always pair agent requires bluez

kernel issues

Might be an idea to try

btmgmt pairable on
btmgmt le on
btmgnt privacy on

as per

Also, note that bluez supports IRKs and resolvable private addresses (RPAs) as of version 5.43. Might need to upgrade.

Some useful tips for LE privacy here.

Also, from @PieterGit, here's the instructions for loading a vanilla version of the kernel on the edison:

btmgmt allows setting privacy. Here are some details about installing btmgmt. Also see this.