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Commands and Permissions

Jason edited this page Dec 11, 2021 · 11 revisions

The plugin only has 1 command, /squaremap with an alias of /map. This command and alias can be changed to your liking in config.yml. The command has many subcommands to perform specific actions.

<> marks a required param

[] marks an optional param

Some optional params are required when used from console or commandblock.


/map cancelrender [world]

Permission: squaremap.command.cancelrender

This will stop any full or radius render that is currently running on the specified world.

Players can omit the world param to use their current world.


/map confirm

This will confirm any potentially dangerous action. Right now it's only used for the /map resetmap command.


/map fullrender [world]

Permission: squaremap.command.fullrender

This will start a full render on the specified world. Regions will start rendering from the world's spawn point and spiral outward until all regions have been mapped.

Progress will be output in the server's console.

Players can omit the world param to use their current world.


/map help [query]

This will show the interactive help menu. Insert a full command and subcommand as the query to learn more about it. Or just click through the interactive text.


/map hide [player]

Permission: squaremap.command.hide

Hides a player from the map.

Players can omit the player param to hide themselves.


/map show [player]


Shows a player on the map.

Players can omit the player param to show themselves.


/map pauserender [world]

Permission: squaremap.command.pauserender

This will pause any full/radius render in the specified world. Issue the command a second time to resume the render.

Players can omit the world param to use their current world.


/map radiusrender <world> <radius> [center]

Permission: squaremap.command.radiusrender

This will start a radius render on the specified world. Regions will start rendering from the specified center point and spiral outward until all regions within the block radius from the center have been mapped.

Progress will be output in the server's console.

Players can omit the center param to use their current location as the center.


/map reload

Permission: squaremap.command.reload

This reloads the plugin's configuration files.


/map resetmap <world>

Permission: squaremap.command.resetmap

This reset the map for the specified world. This deletes all map tiles for this world. This cannot be undone!


/map progresslogging

Permission: squaremap.command.progresslogging

Shows the current render progress logging settings (whether it is enabled or disabled, and the interval in seconds).

progresslogging toggle:

/map progresslogging toggle

Permission: squaremap.command.progresslogging

Toggles whether renders log their progress.

progresslogging rate:

/map progresslogging rate <seconds>

Permission: squaremap.command.progresslogging

Configures the rate at which renders log progress, in seconds.