This package runs DuD-Poll (former Dudle) as a Docker container.
The poll data is stored inside the container. However, it can be backed up or populated from/to the container by using the included 'scripts/maintenance/' script.
Fetch DuD-Poll sources, create the Docker image and a folder for backups:
# cd dudle-docker
# git clone cgi
# docker build -t my-dudle .
# mkdir -p /srv/dudle/backup
If you have an existing DuD-Poll/Dudle installation and want to copy polls to the new container:
# cd /your/old/dudle
# tar cvfz /srv/dudle/backup/dudle-backup.tar.gz `find . -maxdepth 1 -type d | egrep -v '\./(extensions|locale|\.git|\.bzr|css)|^\.$' | xargs`
If you want to customize your installation, add your CSS and artwork to 'skin/css/' and create/modify 'skin/conf/config.rb'. For more information on customization, see "Pimp your Installation" section in DuD-Poll README.
Create and start the container:
# scripts/maintenance/ run
DuD-Poll should be now running on port 8888.
If you want to co-locate DuD-Poll with other services on port 80, you can use e.g. Apache httpd reverse proxy:
<VirtualHost *:80>
CustomLog /var/log/httpd/access_dudle_log combined
# note: requires "setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect 1" if Selinux is enabled
ProxyPreserveHost on
ProxyPass / http://localhost:8888/
ProxyPassReverse / http://localhost:8888/
Create an archive of all polls:
scripts/maintenance/ backup
The latest archive is '/srv/dudle/backup/dudle-backup.tar.gz'.
The following command updates all involved software:
scripts/maintenance/ upgrade
A new image and a container are created by upgrading the base image (currently Redhat ubi8), DuD-Poll sources and maintenance scripts. All polls are backed up automatically before upgrade and restored afterwards.
- --podman: Use Podman instead of Docker
- connect: Run a shell inside the container
- start: Start the container
- stop: Stop the container
- restart: Stop+start the container
- logs: See container log