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Instructions to enable webpack 5.x in underscore based theme


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Enable webpack 5.x in underscore based theme

This guide allows to you use webpack 5.x with _s, we need do some adjusts.

Please read the entire guide carefully to understand the steps involved in this change, you can find a link to a bash script for the automation of these tasks at the end of this document, additionally you can see the source code of this script here.


For this guide I will use a clean installation of _s starter theme.

This guide only cover the SASS watcher, other topics, as bundle scripts, are treated superficially.

Maybe is required to update the bundled version of @wordpress/scripts if your theme uses a version prior to 18.0.0, before following the steps in this guide, please check if your project requires that version.

Isn't recommended for ongoing projects, please go to caution if you want apply to an ongoing project, if you use CleanWebpackPlugin you will lose your files without a minimum configuration, further in this guide I will explain to avoid this in detail.

Installation of _s theme

There are several ways to create your underscore based theme

  • Generate a from the underscore site, remember check the sassify option (recommended),

  • Using the command line interface WP-CLI, read more here how to use the scaffold command, remember use the -sassify option, you can execute a command similar to this on the root of your WordPress installation,

    # Example
    wp scaffold _s sample-theme --theme_name="Sample Theme" --author="John Doe" --sassify
  • Or download from GitHub repository.

To start using all the tools that come with _s you need to install the necessary Node.js and Composer dependencies, go to your theme root directory and execute in terminal the following command:

composer install
npm install

Update @wordpress/scripts (optional)


Latest version of underscores uses the 19.2.2 version of @wordpress/scripts

This step is not included in the bash file

This step is required only if you have an installation of _s that uses @wordpress/scripts prior to 18.0.0, in a clean install this step is not required

If you have as dependency the @wordpress/scripts prior to version 18.0.0, this version uses webpack 4.x, we need update to more recent version to use webpack 5.x in our project, (recommended 19.2.2, already tested in this guide) to do this and avoid the Fix the upstream dependency conflict we need uninstall and reinstall the @wordpress/scripts package, then execute in terminal the following command:

npm remove @wordpress/scripts && npm install @wordpress/scripts@19.2.2 --save-dev

Yes, in this case, only a package is required to be updated.

Move the sass folder

It's a personal preference, I'm prefer have all sources in the src folder.

To do this run:

mkdir ./src/
mv ./sass/ ./src/scss/

Add webpack.config.js file

In this repository there are a bare minimum webpack.config.js that allows to you start to work in your theme, you can download here and put it on your root theme directory or run the following command:

curl -o webpack.config.js

Please read this about the CleanWebpackPlugin.

In this file pay attention on the initialization of MiniCssExtractPlugin, this configuration allow creates the style.css and woocommerce.css files in the root directory of the theme, any other will be created in the dist directory (o any other that you configure in the BUILD_DIR)

if you check WooCommerce boilerplate option when you generate your theme, uncomment the woocomerce entry point

Add postcss.config.js file

In this repository there are a bare minimum postcss.config.js, you can download here and put it on your root theme directory or run the following command:

curl -o postcss.config.js

Update package.json file

Finally it's necessary update the scripts property of the package.json file

// Before
  // Other settings
  "scripts": {
    // Other scripts
    "watch": "node-sass sass/ -o ./ --source-map true --output-style expanded --indent-type tab --indent-width 1 -w",
    "compile:css": "node-sass sass/ -o ./ && stylelint '*.css' --fix || true && stylelint '*.css' --fix",
    // Update this lines only if you moved the sass directory to src folder
 	"lint:scss": "wp-scripts lint-style 'sass/**/*.scss'",
    // Other scripts
  // Other settings
// After
  // Other settings
  "scripts": {
    // Other scripts
    "watch": "webpack --watch --mode=development",
    "compile:css": "webpack --mode=production && stylelint '*.css' --fix || true && stylelint '*.css' --fix",
    // Update this lines only if you moved the sass directory to src folder
    "lint:scss": "wp-scripts lint-style 'src/scss/**/*.scss'",
    // Other scripts
  // Other settings

And that's is all, you must be capable of run any of the scripts without issues. From here you can customize you webpack environment as you like

Generate entry poitns

In the webpack.config.js file there are two entry points, styles and woocommerce, we need create the files associated to these entry points executing in terminal the following commands:

# Create the required directories
mkdir -p ./src/js/

# Generate the entry point script to manage the styles
echo "import '../scss/style.scss';" > ./src/js/style.js
echo "import '../scss/woocommerce.scss';" > ./src/js/woocommerce.js

CleanWebpackPlugin workaround ⚠️


This step it is not required if you starts a clean installation of _s theme and download the webpack.config.js from this repository,


If you are working in a preexistent theme, please read carefully this instructions, make a backup and double check the configuration of the CleanWebpackPlugin before run webpack, you can lose your files if you set the incorrect path to clean!

Since the build folder in our webpack.config.js is same the root of our theme, enable CleanWebpackPlugin with default configuration all files and folders in your theme will be deleted! (.git folder is erased too!), it's necessary define what folder the plugin can clean, in our webpack.config.js are ready

new CleanWebpackPlugin({
    cleanStaleWebpackAssets: true,
    verbose: true, // Optional
    cleanOnceBeforeBuildPatterns: [
        "*.map",      // Allow clean file from root folder
        "dist/**/**", // Allow clean dist folder recursively

You can read in detail how to configure this plugin and other options here, please take a look if you are no sure about your configuration is safe or if you need check if all is OK.

If you have a better configuration or you can improve this document don't hesitate in create a issue ticket.

There are an automated way to do this?

Yes, you can download here the bash script o run:

curl | bash

Bug tracker?

Have a bug? Please create an issue on GitHub at


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