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jpurcell edited this page Aug 3, 2011 · 21 revisions

BirdHouse Wiki

Welcome to the BirdHouse Wiki!

Common Issues

  1. When Twitter asks to authorize I'm shown a PIN and then redirected to my app with a message stating "Failed to authorize"
  2. API Request Returns "Unauthorized" or Fails in General
  3. The Window Stays Open After Authorizing "Allow"


  1. Basic Setup and Configuration
  2. How do I send a tweet?
  3. How do I get tweets?
  4. How do I make custom API calls?

Titanium Tips & Tricks

Tweetie-like pull to refresh and pull to load more for Android. (For iPhone use this.)

On scroll direction change event.


Be sure to check out the BirdHouse Test App if you are having any issues. Report an issue ticket with the output, making sure you remove sensitive data such as your user or consumer tokens, and we'll get them fixed!