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A simple markdown wiki build tool based on pandoc and tailored to needs of development teams.


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pandoc-md-wiki: a simple markdown wiki build tool based on pandoc tailored to the needs of development teams.

This tool is very simple and includes a pretty generic makefile which is meant to be included by a makefile at the root of the markdown wiki.

The main target builds a static html 5 web site to a companion directory alongside the markdown wiki. This directory by default has the same name as the markdown wiki with the target added as a suffix (in this case -html).

This tool includes the following pandoc-filters:

  • ./.build-system/pandoc-filters/local-links-abs-to-rel.lua

    Changes local links absolute with regard to the site's root directory to links relative to the current .md file.

  • ./.build-system/pandoc-filters/local-links-to-target-ext.lua

    Changes local links targeting .md files so that once rendered to html these links points to the .html version (or any other target format extension).

  • ./.build-system/pandoc-filters/imports-to-link.lua

    Allow this tool to support @import statement like the one found in markdown-preview-enhanced.

    Support it currently limited. See for more details.

  • ./.build-system/pandoc-filters/puml-cb-to-img.lua

    Allow this tool to convert code blocks marked as puml to be replaced by the image resulting from running this code through plantuml.

  • More to come. See for some ideas.

For the moment, we use only pandoc-lua-filters as these are supported natively and as such should incur less overhead then the haskell or python ones.

Another secondary goal of this tool is to be as compatible as possible with the pandoc backed variant of the neat markdown-preview-enhanced tool which is offered as an extension to both the vscode and atom IDEs.


You should find a shell.nix at the root of this repository which should make nix the only requirement to run this tool.

You might also want to install direnv tool which streamline / automate the loading of the nix environment as you enter the repository.

So, here's what you should install:

Testing the tool

$ cd /path/to/pandoc-md-wiki
# ..
$ nix-shell
# ..
$ make html-and-preview

should build a static html 5 web site from the embedded markdown file of this repositories and open its index in your default browser.

These markdown files are meant to showcase the capabilities of this tool.

Bootstrapping your own pandoc markdown wiki

Here's the simplest setup you need. At the root of your wiki repository (e.g.: /path/to/my-wiki) you should add the following files:



  pandocMdWikiSrc = builtins.fetchTarball {
    url = "";
    # Get this info from the output of: `nix-prefetch-url --unpack $url` where `url` is the above.
    sha256 = "0n1srznampspcd5swpxifhis873iawvf51311pa7ycanif5fsry2";

  pandocMdWikiShell = import (pandocMdWikiSrc + "/shell-external.nix") {
    # See <>
    # for more info about this option.
    # withVscodeSupport = true;


Here, 0185bb3f0f42fe884a6f33baea07f05588a64813 right of url should be replaced by the latest git revision of this repository.

Here, the 0n1srznampspcd5swpxifhis873iawvf51311pa7ycanif5fsry2 value right of sha256 should be replaced by the output of nix-prefetch-url --unpack $url. Alternatively, you can change a single of its digit and attempt entering the nix shell environment where your will be offered with the proper value for this field.


MKF_DIR := $(abspath $(dir $(abspath $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)))))

# Inputs for the included makefile.

# Exported via 'pandoc-md-wiki/shell.nix' 'shellHook'.
  $(error Missing 'PANDOC_MD_WIKI_RELEASE_MAKEFILE' env variable.)

My home page title

Here is my home page content.

and optionally if you mean to use direnv:


use nix

You should then be able to enter the nix environment:

$ cd /path/to/my-wiki
# If you are using direnv, you should instead call
# 'direnv allow' instead of `nix-shell`.
$ nix-shell
# ..
$ make html-and-preview
xdg-open "../my-wiki-html/Home.html"

This should open the rendered version of your home page in your default browser.

Using the gnumake build system (aka Makefile)

TIP: The provided make file supports tab completion ( make [Hit tab key here to get the list of top level tagets]) and provides multiple top level targets, namely:

  • html: build the wiki to html without preview.
  • clean-html: clean the html output leaving any dot directories at the root of the output (including .git) but also any regular files which are not a target of the makefile (e.g.:, LICENSE, .gitignore, etc).
  • ls-html: list the files in the html output.
  • rls-html: list recursively the files in the html output.
  • preview-html: preview currently built html home page if any.
  • clean-html-only : clean only the html files from the html output (i.e: not the diagrams).
  • clean-html-img: clean only the html image files from the html output (including the generated ones).
  • clean-html-svg-from-puml-only: clean only the svg generated from the puml diagrams.
  • clean: clean all outputs.
  • all: build all outputs.
  • force-clean-html-whole-dir: clean the html output directory recursively.
  • debug-vars: debug the build system's internal variables.
  • etc.

Vscode support

See pandoc-md-wiki - vscode support.


  • As we're using gnumake to build the wiki and that this tool notoriously does not support spaces in file correctly, do not use spaces in you filenames.

    If your really do want to support this, you might instead use a more advanced build system such as shake or scons.

    You might even go the full fledged static site generator way with the such as hakyll, jekyll or hugo.

    See for potential improvements aimed at fixing this.

Related tools / systems


pandoc-md-wiki is licensed under the Apache License.

This license is very permissive, so feel free to fork this repository publicly (or even privately if absolutely required) to make it more suitable to your own use case.

This work is an improvement of the ideas from the following tools which I, Raymond Gauthier, developed on my spare time years again (as far back as 2015) to support my own personal private wiki and made public at the following locations:

As the sole author (well almost, see exeption below) of these tools, I hereby grant the permission to use those ideas (derived from the work not in the list below) in their current (i.e: pandoc-md-wiki) form (lua filters instead of haskell ones, makefile instead of bash script, etc) under the more permissive Apache License hopefully for the benefit of all.

Thanks to John MacFarlane the author of pandoc, its maintainers and contributors which now allows us to make such incredible documentation automation tools.


If you have nice changes that would improve this tool, we accept pull requests.

Take not however that the tool is meant as a generic wiki build system, so your changes should meet this design criteria to be accepted (i.e: changes which are too specific to a particular use case won't be accepted).