Very simple Relational Algebra to SQL converter. Designed for educational purposes only.
The tool also provides a simple Relational Algebra to LaTeX mathematical expression.
can be installed as a Node.js package or as a JavaScript library (see Installation section for more detailed information). The ra-to-sql.js
library can be downloaded from here, or used from a CDN
As a JavaScript library:
var sql = raToSql.getSQL(<<ra-expression>>);
var latex = raToSql.getLatexExpression(<<ra-expression>>);
As a Node.js app:
var raToSql = require('ra-to-sql');
var sql = raToSql.getSQL(<<ra-expression>>);
var latex = raToSql.getLatexExpression(<<ra-expression>>);
Where <<ra-expression>>
is any valid Relational Algebra expression.
Currently, the following operations are supported
- Rename:
- Projection:
- Selection:
- Cartesian product:
A x B
,A × B
- Natural Join
A |x| B
,A ⋈ B
- Theta Join
A |x(Condition)| B
- Union:
,A ∪ B
- Intersection:
,A ∩ B
- Set Difference:
A - B
- Asignment:
A <- B
- Asignment with Rename:
A(a,b) <- B
The structure of the language is quite simple, here are a few rules:
- Operations can be nested
- There are two types of sentences:
- Assignments
- Result (any sentence without an assignment)
- Parser ends evaluating when a "Result" sentence is found. If no Result sentence is found, the last assignment is considered the Result sentence
- Semicolon (
) andNew Line
are both valid as sentence separator
The following are examples of valid set of sentences:
A(a,b) <- Proj[PersonId,PersonName](Person)
A x A x A
OldPeople <- Sel[Age>80](Person); Person |X| City;
Sel[Number > 14 AND !(Number = 15 OR Number = 18)](Numbers)
You can try it online here:
Note: The SQL generated is compatible with SQL Server and sqlite.
<script src="<version>/dist/ra-to-sql.js"></script>
Replace <version>
with expected version number. For example
npm install ra-to-sql
- Node.js
Fork/Clone the repository (
Install the dependencies:
nmp install
The following are the main components of the library:
- src/grammar/ra.jison contains the definition of the grammar (tokens and BNF) in Jison format
- src/sql_scope.js contains the transformations for converting to SQL
- src/mathjax_scope.js contains the transformations for converting to LaTeX
- src/ra-to-sql.js is the entry point of the library
Additionally, the following files are generated as part of the building process:
- src/ra.js: Is the RA parser, which is built automatically using the Jison parser generator. Run
npm run jison
to generate it. - dist/ra-to-sql.js: Is the JavaScript library, which is bundled using the Webpack bundler. Run
npm run build
to generate it.
Tests are defined in the test/test-definitions
folder. Each Json file included in that folder becomes a test. File structure is self-explanatory.
Use the following command to run the tests:
npm test
- Jison - Parser generator
- Webpack - Web module bundler
- sqlite3 - Used to test generated SQL
- mocha - Test framework
- csv-parser - CSV Parser
Any contribution is welcomed!. There are no guidelines for contributing, just common-sense.
We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
- Javier Rebagliatti (Database Systems teaching assistant at Universidad de La Matanza) - Initial work - jrebagliatti
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.