Centralize and Management configurations of all your applications.
- Node.js > 14.*
- Mysql database. You could use docker
key | sample value | description |
PORT | 8080 | port of server. Default is 2708 |
CONFIGURATOR_DATABASE_HOST | | some ip of your mysql database |
CONFIGURATOR_DATABASE_USER | usr_configurator | the mysql user for your my database. Root is not required. |
CONFIGURATOR_DATABASE_PASSWORD | ***** | password related to the mysql user |
CONFIGURATOR_DATABASE_PORT | 3306 | mysql port. Default is 3306 |
CONFIGURATOR_DATABASE_NAME | configurator | name of your mysql database |
CONFIGURATOR_API_KEY | ****** | secret value to be used as key to protect the api invocations. Long as you can |
CONFIGURATOR_CRYPT_KEY | ****** | secret value to be used as key to encrypt the sensible values in the database. Long as you can |
CONFIGURATOR_BFA_THRESHOLD | 100 | Numeric value to protect against Force Brute Attack. Default is 50 |
CONFIGURATOR_DISABLE_CAPTCHA | false | Enable or disable the captcha on login |
- Create a database and execute this ddl to create the required tables: ./database/ddl.sql
- install dependencies
npm install
- export variables
- run
npm run dev
- Create a database and execute this ddl to create the required tables: ./database/ddl.sql
- install dependencies
npm install
- export variables
- run
npm run start
Just one step :)
docker-compose up -d
Docker build
docker build -t configurator .
Docker run
docker run --name configurator -it --rm -p 2708:2708 \
-e TZ=America/Lima configurator
Follow this guide.
Open your browser pointing at:
- http://localhost:2708
- or http://localhost:8080 if you are using the PORT variable
Note: Admin password will be showed in the server log.
If no errors, you will see:
By default two user are created:
- admin with admin role
- guest with reader role
Id the database don't contain the admin or guest user, they are created and stored in these internal files:
Take care to delete them. If you are using docker, this works.
Admin can make anything. Guest user only can view all the variables names, view the plain values and can't edit anything.
If you have created an app called helicarrier-api with at least one variable, this is how you can get its variables:
curl localhost:2708/api/v1/variables?application=helicarrier-api -H "apiKey:changeme"
response will be
export ERP_HOST=""
export firebase_key="65468748"
These variables are an option to the following strategies in several languages:
- application.properties (java spring boot)
- .env
- hardcoded variables in _prod _staging configuration files
- wp-config.php in wordpress
- settings.php in drupal
- AppSettings.json on c#
- etc
The previous files are inherited from first languages as a way to centralize the configurations of the application. Use them today in distributed enterprise environments is not an option anymore because it needs a biological entity who using a ssh client, edit the file with hardcoded values directly in the production server
The famous The Twelve Factors for software in modern era , mention this on its third statement:
III. Config : Store config in the environment
Also several platforms like heroku recommends us the use environment variables instead hardcoded values:
An app’s environment-specific configuration should be stored in environment variables (not in the app’s source code)
If you understand the problem of hardcoded values in plain properties, you could use this tool to call the /variables endpoint in the startup of your application and expose that variables to your entire system in transparent way using ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES or inject them directly into your application.
I will develop clients for every language. At this moment, just the client for bash or docker based apps are here:
- Chrome is required.
- Configurator should be started before the e2e tests execution. (Take a look the port)
- Export the url and credentials
export TEST_CONFIGURATOR_URL=http://localhost:8080
- Run tests
npm run test_e2e
I successful used the configurator for the following technologies based on docker:
- java : spring-boot
- java : war on tomcats
- java : pentaho
- nodejs : express aplications
- php : pure without frameworks
- php : drupal
- php : wordpress
- php : moodle
- python : django
- c# : netcore
Here some platforms:
- zookeeper
- Spring Cloud
- https://www.baeldung.com/spring-cloud-configuration
- This is a java spring framework functionality in which you can create properties file with configurations and configure your applications to read them.
- Consul
- Consul is a service mesh solution providing a full featured control plane with service discovery, configuration, and segmentation functionality.
- https://www.vaultproject.io/
- https://www.doppler.com/
- doozerd
- etcd
- fix issues
- implement features
- improve unit tests and coverage
- develop java, nodejs and c# clients to be used direclty on application
- Node.js
- Mysql
- Web template engine for fast development: https://www.npmjs.com/package/pug
- Bootstrap template: https://adminlte.io/
- Handlebars Engine : https://handlebarsjs.com/builtin_helpers.html
- Initial template : https://github.com/jayetan/Nodejs-Admin-Dashboard.git
JRichardsz |