An assistant in your daily and repetitive tasks with the linux shell. Created by and for developers!!
Image from:
- Clone this repository
- Choose a name for your assistant: jarvis, friday, alfred, etc. For this guide, we will use: jarvis
- Create a symlink, executing the following line inside the cloned folder:
ln -s $(pwd)/ /usr/bin/jarvis
- set execute permissions
chmod +x /usr/bin/jarvis
- Create variables file.
- That's all folks.
If your assistant name is jarvis, you could invoke it, just typing its name in the shell:
Response will be
Hi sr, I am jarvis
What Can I do for you? Tell me a command...
jarvis ip
Response will be
Hi sr, I am jarvis
Result of ip command is:
Just create new file with .sh extension in commands folder. File name will be the command name.
Just create new file with .sh extension in private_commands folder. File name will be the command name. These private commands are scanned before community commands, so is an option to override some community command with a customization just for you.
Also private commands are ignore by default.
If you have complex commands which requires variables, just create a file called variables. Example:
All these variables will be present in any of your command scripts, so you could use it :D
If you have some awesome command that could help to another developers in the world, just perform a Pull Request and I will review it!
Thanks goes to these wonderful people :
Richard Leon |
Linux Command Line Assistant is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license. Frameworks and libraries has it own licensed