Linode Driver Plugin for docker-machine.
is required, see the installation documentation.
Then, install the latest release for your environment from the releases list.
If you would rather build from source, you will need to have a working go
1.11+ environment,
eval $(go env)
export PATH="$PATH:$GOPATH/bin"
You can then install docker-machine
from source by running:
go get
cd $GOPATH/src/
make build
And then compile the docker-machine-driver-linode
go get
cd $GOPATH/src/
make install
You will need a Linode APIv4 Personal Access Token. Get one here:
docker-machine create -d linode --linode-token=<linode-token> linode
Argument | Env | Default | Description |
linode-token |
None | required Linode APIv4 Token (see here) |
linode-root-pass |
generated | The Linode Instance root_pass (password assigned to the root account) |
linode-authorized-users |
None | Linode user accounts (separated by commas) whose Linode SSH keys will be permitted root access to the created node |
linode-label |
generated | The Linode Instance label , unless overridden this will match the docker-machine name. This label must be unique on the account. |
linode-region |
us-east |
The Linode Instance region (see here) |
linode-instance-type |
g6-standard-4 |
The Linode Instance type (see here) |
linode-image |
linode/ubuntu18.04 |
The Linode Instance image which provides the Linux distribution (see here). |
linode-ssh-port |
22 |
The port that SSH is running on, needed for Docker Machine to provision the Linode. |
linode-ssh-user |
root |
The user as which docker-machine should log in to the Linode instance to install Docker. This user must have passwordless sudo. |
linode-docker-port |
2376 |
The TCP port of the Linode that Docker will be listening on |
linode-swap-size |
512 |
The amount of swap space provisioned on the Linode Instance |
linode-stackscript |
None | Specifies the Linode StackScript to use to create the instance, either by numeric ID, or using the form username/label. |
linode-stackscript-data |
None | A JSON string specifying data that is passed (via UDF) to the selected StackScript. |
linode-create-private-ip |
None | A flag specifying to create private IP for the Linode instance. |
linode-tags |
None | A comma separated list of tags to apply to the Linode resource |
linode-ua-prefix |
None | Prefix the User-Agent in Linode API calls with some 'product/version' |
- When using the
, thelinode-ssh-user
will default tocore
- A
will be generated if not provided. This password will not be shown. Rely ondocker-machine ssh
, or Linode's Rescue features to access the node directly.
The Docker Volume plugin for Linode Block Storage can be installed while reusing the docker-machine properties:
docker-machine create -d linode $MACHINE
eval $(docker-machine env $MACHINE)
# Region and Label are not needed. They would be inferred. Included here for illustration purposes.
docker plugin install --alias linode linode/docker-volume-linode:latest \
linode-token=$(docker-machine inspect $MACHINE -f "{{ .Driver.APIToken }}") \
linode-region=$(docker-machine inspect $MACHINE -f "{{ .Driver.Region }}") \
linode-label=$(docker-machine inspect $MACHINE -f "{{ .Driver.InstanceLabel }}")
docker run -it --rm --mount volume-driver=linode,source=test-vol,destination=/test,volume-opt=size=25 alpine
docker volume rm test-vol
Detailed run output will be emitted when using the LinodeGo LINODE_DEBUG=1
option along with the docker-machine
LINODE_DEBUG=1 docker-machine --debug create -d linode --linode-token=$LINODE_TOKEN machinename
LINODE_TOKEN=e332cf8e1a78427f1368a5a0a67946ad1e7c8e28e332cf8e1a78427f1368a5a0 # Should be 65 lowercase hex chars
docker-machine create -d linode --linode-token=$LINODE_TOKEN linode
eval $(docker-machine env linode)
docker run --rm -it debian bash
$ docker-machine ls
linode * linode Running tcp:// v18.05.0-ce
$ docker-machine rm linode
About to remove linode
WARNING: This action will delete both local reference and remote instance.
Are you sure? (y/n): y
(default) Removing linode: 8753395
Successfully removed linode
The following script serves as an example for creating a Docker Swarm with master and worker nodes using the Linode Docker machine driver and private networking.
This script is provided for demonstrative use. A production swarm environment would require hardening.
Create an
bash script using the source below. Runbash
and provide a Linode APIv4 Token when prompted.#!/bin/bash set -e read -p "Linode Token: " LINODE_TOKEN # LINODE_TOKEN=... LINODE_ROOT_PASSWORD=$(openssl rand -base64 32); echo Password for root: $LINODE_ROOT_PASSWORD LINODE_REGION=eu-central create_node() { local name=$1 docker-machine create \ -d linode \ --linode-label=$name \ --linode-instance-type=g6-nanode-1 \ --linode-image=linode/ubuntu18.04 \ --linode-region=$LINODE_REGION \ --linode-token=$LINODE_TOKEN \ --linode-root-pass=$LINODE_ROOT_PASSWORD \ --linode-create-private-ip \ $name } get_private_ip() { local name=$1 docker-machine inspect -f '{{.Driver.PrivateIPAddress}}' $name } init_swarm_master() { local name=$1 local ip=$(get_private_ip $name) docker-machine ssh $name "docker swarm init --advertise-addr ${ip}" } init_swarm_worker() { local master_name=$1 local worker_name=$2 local master_addr=$(get_private_ip $master_name):2377 local join_token=$(docker-machine ssh $master_name "docker swarm join-token worker -q") docker-machine ssh $worker_name "docker swarm join --token=${join_token} ${master_addr}" } # create master and worker node create_node swarm-master-01 & create_node swarm-worker-01 # init swarm master init_swarm_master swarm-master-01 # init swarm worker init_swarm_worker swarm-master-01 swarm-worker-01 # install the docker-volume-linode plugin on each node for NODE in swarm-master-01 swarm-worker-01; do eval $(docker-machine env $NODE) docker plugin install --alias linode linode/docker-volume-linode:latest linode-token=$LINODE_TOKEN done
After provisioning succeeds, check the Docker Swarm status. The output should show active an swarm leader and worker.
$ eval $(docker-machine env master01) $ docker node ls ID HOSTNAME STATUS AVAILABILITY MANAGER STATUS ENGINE VERSION f8x7zutegt2dn1imeiw56v9hc * master01 Ready Active Leader 18.09.0 ja8b3ut6uaivz5hf98gah469y worker01 Ready Active 18.09.0
Create and scale Docker services (left as an excercise for the reader).
$ docker service create --name my-service --replicas 3 nginx:alpine $ docker node ps master01 worker01 ID NAME IMAGE NODE DESIRED STATE CURRENT STATE ERROR PORTS 7cggbrqfqopn \_ my-service.1 nginx:alpine master01 Running Running 4 minutes ago 7cggbrqfqopn \_ my-service.1 nginx:alpine master01 Running Running 4 minutes ago v7c1ni5q43uu my-service.2 nginx:alpine worker01 Running Running 4 minutes ago 2w6d8o3hdyh4 my-service.3 nginx:alpine worker01 Running Running 4 minutes ago
Cleanup the resources
docker-machine rm worker01 -y docker-machine rm master01 -y
Join us at #linodego on the gophers slack
Want to improve docker-machine-driver-linode? Please start here.