hoc provides a simple APIs to create reusable javascript components. It provides an abstraction from the underlying library use to manage these components. The abstraction enables teams to reuse the same components with different libraries with minimum code changes.
npm i -S @js-factory/hoc
Modern frontend applications are getting complex every day. It has to manage core business logic, complex layouts, and data. It becomes necessary that frontend application architecture follows core software design principles.
In computer science, separation of concerns (SoC) is a design principle for separating a computer program into distinct sections, such that each section addresses a separate concern.
prefers functional programming and allows programmers to write small functions. These functions follow single responsibility principle and do just one thing and produce predictable output.
You need to install preact in the host application.
npm i -S preact
// ExampleComponent.js
import { Component } from '@js-factory/hoc';
import componentDidMount from './hooks/afterRender';
import componentShouldUpdate from './hooks/afterUpdate';
import componentWillMount from './hooks/beforeRender';
import componentWillUpdate from './hooks/beforeUpdate';
import componentWillUnmount from './hooks/beforeUnmount';
import onClickHandler from './handlers/onClickHanlder';
import onScrollHandler from './handlers/onScrollHanlder';
import ExampleComponentTmpl from './templates/ExampleComponentTmpl';
const state = {
salutation: 'Dear'
const instanceProps = {
counter: 0
template: ExampleComponentTmpl
export default class ExampleComponent {}
// ExampleComponentTmpl.js
// This is preact functional component
import { h } from 'preact';
const ExampleComponentTmpl = (props) => {
const { state, instanceProp, onClickHander } = props;
const { salutation } = state;
<p> {salutation} user! </p>
<button onClick={onClickHander}>Say Hello </button>
offers four major components e.g. state
, template
, instanceProps
, methods
The state is a plain JavaScript object that represents your component local state. Please read about React state if you are not aware of what a component state is all about. hoc
exposes it's own setState
to update component state.
const state = {
count: 0,
const increment = ({ state, setState }) => {
const { count } = state;
return setState({
count: count + 1
The instanceProps are the same as state, unlike the state, any update to instanceProps will not trigger component re-rendering. You can update instanceProps using setInstanceProps
const instanceProps = {
count: 0,
const increment = ({ instanceProps, setInstanceProps }) => {
const { count } = instanceProps;
return setInstanceProps({
count: count + 1
A template is functional component represents presentation layer.
You can add as many functions as you need to manage your component state and handle user interactions. These methods could be lifecycle hooks of underlying framework like componentDidMount, componentWillUpdate or simple event handlers.
hoc allows developers to use underlying library hooks like componentDidMount, componentWillMount etc. Please refer above component definition.
Note: Unlike react or preact you will not have access to this
. hoc
will inject all component properties and methods in run time.
You can define any dom event handler and bind it to the component. Event handlers are plain javascript functions and surely not tightly coupled with any underlying library.
const onClickHandler = (props, e) => {
const { state, setState, getInstanceProp } = props;
return setState({
updateMsg: 'I am updated'
props contains component state, methods etc. e is a dom event instance.
Usually, any component has a lot of helper methods. You can define these methods as part of a component definition.
function foo(props, ...args){
// function body goes here
props contains component state, methods etc. args are runtime arguments supplied