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My 2019 entry for the js13kgames competition, "Letchworth Village".

Play the game online at (coming soon).


Send demons back to hell in this 2D top-down button masher. As an immortal demon hunter possessed by a cursed sword, you awaken in Letchworth Village, an abandoned mental hospital in the midst of an ongoing demon invasion. Drown your sword in demon blood and close the portal to hell for good!


Kill demons and avoid taking damage to fully charge your sword. Once your sword meter glows yellow, unleash your super to close the demon's portal and finish your mission.

  • Move using arrow keys or gamepad left stick.

  • Attack using X (XBox: x, PS4: square).

  • Deflect/Counter using Z (XBox: y, PS4: triangle).

  • Dash using C (XBox: a, PS4: cross).

  • Super/Finisher - only when fully charged - using SPACEBAR (XBox: b, PS4: circle)

  • Keyboard only: press M to mute audio if it gets annoying


  • Should be playable on desktop Chrome, Firefox, and Safari.
  • 🐛 Safari audio is questionable (be prepared to mute).
  • 🐛 If using a gamepad on Firefox, face buttons may be swapped.


The difficulty level is set pretty high, if you want to beat the game and you're having trouble, read on. Don't read the following if you want to discover mechanics yourself...

  • Repeatedly damage demons without missing an attack, missing a counter, or getting hit to raise your wrath (combo counter). Wrath increases your movement speed, attack range, and damage.
  • Most importantly, keep wrath at 8x or above to kill demons in one hit instead of two.
  • Hit-and-run tactics can make maintaining wrath easier.
  • When possible, circle demons and attack right after they miss. Circling is a little bit easier (feels more natural) on a gamepad than a keyboard.
  • You can buffer all inputs. In particular, dashes last 10 frames and there is no iframe cooldown, so you can buffer dash through a demon pack with complete immunity if necessary.
  • The cooldown from a successful deflect is invulnerable and can be buffered into a dash, making a successful deflect extremely safe. A failed deflect will reset your wrath and the cooldown is not invulnerable. Sitting still and repeatedly buffering deflect will kill a surprising number of demons, but eventually you'll get hit and you cannot build wrath this way.
  • Using a buffered dash > deflect > dash is your "cheap trick" and is a great way to maintain high wrath if used in the middle of a demon pack. It's not risk-free: if you are unlucky you could miss your deflect or not buffer the second dash fast enough and get hit, but it's very effective even so.

Building the game

  • /src contains the game source files and assets
  • dist/temp, dist/dev, and dist/prod are folders used for the generated files (not checked in)
  • /dist/final contains the final zip file (checked in)

To rebuild, npm install && gulp build from the project folder.



This is my second year competing in js13k and a lot has changed! There are so many people entering this year and it was a lot of fun to keep up with people's progress in twitter and in the js13k slack channel.

I didn't really set out to make this game. My original goal, fresh off the high of a NG+5 Sekiro playthrough, was to capture that feeling of trouncing a boss - that perfectly-pulled-off rhythm of attacks, deflections, and dodges. Turns out that that is pretty hard to do (go figure), and when I ran out of time, I had to abandon the idea of explorable levels, of a variety of demons to kill, etc.

The game contains only the tiniest thread of cheesy story, but what is there is intended to honor DOOM's straightforward "hey, there's demons here, send them back where they belong!" approach to storytelling. The location is a real former mental hospital (supposedly an inspiration for American Horror Story: Asylum); I originally thought that each level of the game could be in a different location, linked by heavy trauma, but levels ended up on the chopping block due to time so the only location became the name of the game instead.


This year I tried something new and wrote my entry in TypeScript instead of JavaScript. I wasn't a TypeScript expert and so there was a learning curve with the build process and with choices I needed to make in the source files.

Overall, I think there are some huge benefits to working with TypeScript. It was extremely rare to load up my game in the browser and not have it work, because all of my classic and constant blunders (passing the wrong things to audio APIs or passing a context instead of a canvas etc.) can all be caught as you type (VSCode plugins ftw). Refactoring is a joy because once you rename / change a function you're calling everywhere, you immediately get compile errors to fix instead of hunting down changes manually using grep or by reloading in the browser and waiting for an exception.

There is a negative though, which is that I think I underestimated the TypeScript tax. It takes longer to write stuff in TypeScript, and the naturally "hack this thing together fast" style of a game jam can get slowed down. I wasted too much time in the first couple weeks designing perfect interfaces / types / classes, only to realize that I was way behind on actual features.

Would I use TypeScript again in a future js13k project? Yes, I think so, but I would be cautious about committing to any early design decisions -- keep the tax low by skimming the surface and still getting ~70% of the benefits. If used correctly I think TS can be an overall time saver, even for a golf project like js13k.


In this game I tried to stick to an "animation system", where instead of a giant switch statement in your entity's update function, you had this concept of frames and animations made out of frames. There's a lot of rough edges but I'm actually pretty pleased with how it turned out - I ended up adding the deflection mechanic in the last 48 hours and it was pretty easy, largely due to the framework I already built.

For this game (and for some future game ideas I have) I want to switch from my old time-based model to a "frame-based" model - like a fighting game, rather than a shooter. My loop is based on that this year which means if your computer were to slow down or is a little underpowered, my entire game (including the movement and even the audio!) would "slow down" with it, rather than just getting choppier.

Eventually I'd like to experiment with a dynamic frame-based model (where the entire loop is frame-based, but you can perform multiple update loops per animation frame if you are falling behind). I didn't get around to it this year though.


Collision detection (and responding to them) is a much harder problem than I thought it was going to be. Whatever you do, don't do anything this game does, which is basically "just barely" working enough to get by. I'll be exploring this a lot more in future games, I suspect.

Build Process

Most of my build process is inherited from last year's gulp file, with some tweaks and fixes for TypeScript and to do extra cramming (consolidating most assets into a single file). I ran out of time to explore more, I'm hoping next year I can get this thing back on track and have a nice clean build.


I built all the frames for this project in aseprite, and then exported each category as its own sprite sheet using their Export Spritesheet feature (slick). I was able to get under the limit, but if I needed extra space the obvious next step is to get them all into one sprite sheet. I haven't explored that space yet, I think I'd still want separate ase files for my own sanity, but perhaps a custom cleanup step could combine them for me (or I could investigate one of the sprite packers available out there on the web).

Speaking of the Export Spritesheet feature - it will write out for you a data file containing the different slices. I didn't take advantage of that and manually added them to my Assets file by hand because I wanted to link some additional data points - like anchor point, bounding box, and hit box of each sprite - to the individual frames. Ideally I could find a way to do both... something to explore for next year maybe!


Thanks for playing and for reading, and special thanks to Andrzej and the rest of the js13k team for setting all this up!