Core 5 using MSAL.NET and Client Credentials Grant.
The following has been added to the manifest in addition to creating the application registration.
"appRoles": [
"allowedMemberTypes": [
"description": "Read messages",
"displayName": "Read",
"id": "1ac8563b-4cb8-4910-bfb5-cab6afa36f55",
"isEnabled": true,
"lang": null,
"origin": "Application",
"value": "Read"
Also, the API has been exposed and given the api://<some_guid>
This type of thing has been set in the local configuration file:
"AzureAd": {
"Instance": "",
"ClientId": "???",
"Domain": "???",
"TenantId": "???"
You can also put it in your VSCode launch.json
"env": {
"AzureAd__Instance": "",
"AzureAd__ClientId": "???",
"AzureAd__Domain": "???",
"AzureAd__TenantId": "???"
To populate the http
rest extension run the secret for the client through the following command:
To deploy to the cloud you will need:
- Azure CLI
- An Azure Subscription
Login to your subscription:
az login --use-device-code
Create a resource group:
az group create -n rg-ccg-dev-we-01 -l westeurope --debug
Run the following command in the src/arm
folder to provision the resources in Azure (this command uses pwsh
az deployment group create --name $(New-Guid) `
--resource-group rg-ccg-dev-we-01 `
--template-file ./api.template.json `
--parameters `
"appServicePlanName=plan-ccg-dev-we-01" `
"appName=api-ccg-dev-we-01" `
"clientId=<your client id>" `
"tenantId=<your tenant id>" `
"domainId=<your domain id>" `
Publish your application from the src/msalccgapi
dotnet publish -c Release -o d:/api/
Then deploy it:
az webapp deployment source config-zip -g rg-ccg-dev-we-01 -n api-ccg-dev-we-01 --src d:/api/ --debug